The research results of Tsai, Chieh-Yuan Professor and Chair are follows :

A.    Journal Papers
1.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Yi-Fan Chiu;Yu-Jen Chen,A two-stage neural network-based cold start item recommender,Applied Sciences-Basel, Vol. 11, pp 4243~NA ( 2021/05 )

2.    William Lemus Leiva;Meng-Lin Li;Chieh-Yuan Tsai,A Two-Phase Deep Learning-Based Recommender System: Enhanced by a Data Quality Inspector,Applied Sciences-Basel, Vol. 11, pp 9667~NA ( 2021/10 )

3.    Haisong Huang;Liguo Yao;Jyu-Shang Chang;Chieh-Yuan Tsai;R. Kuo, Using product network analysis to optimize product-to-shelf assignment problems, Applied Sciences-Basel, Vo9, No.8, pp1581~NA(2019/04)

4.    R.J. Kuo;T.C. Lin;F.E. Zulvia;Chieh-Yuan Tsai, A hybrid metaheuristic and kernel intuitionistic fuzzy c-means algorithm for cluster analysis, Applied Soft Computing, Vol.67, pp299~308(2018/06)

5.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Ming-Hong Li;R. J. Kuo,A shopping behavior prediction system: considering moving patterns and product characteristics,Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 106, pp 192~204 ( 2017/04 )

6.    R.J. Kuo;T.C. Lin;F.E. Zulvia;Chieh-Yuan Tsai, A hybrid metaheuristic and kernel intuitionistic fuzzy c-means algorithm for cluster analysis, Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 67,No. NA, pp299~308(2018/06)

7.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Hui-Ting Chang;Ren Jieh Kuo,An ant colony based optimization for RFID reader deployment in theme parks under service level consideration,Tourism Management, Vol. 58, pp 1~14 ( 2017/02 )

8.    Ren-Jieh Kuo;C.H. Mei;F.E. Zulvia;Chieh-Yuan Tsai,An application of a metaheuristic algorithm-based clustering ensemble method to APP customer segmentation,Neurocomputing, Vol. 205, pp 116~129 ( 2016/09 )

9.    Haisong Huang;Liguo Yao;Chieh-Yuan Tsai,Transportation service quality improvement through closed sequential pattern mining approach,Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Vol. 16, pp 185~194 ( 2016/09 )

10.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Bo-Han Lai,A location-item-time sequential pattern mining algorithm for route recommendation,Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 73 , pp 97~110 ( 2015/01 )

11.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Huang, Sheng-Hsiang,Integrating product association rules and customer moving sequential patterns for product-to-shelf optimization,International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Vol. 5 , No. 5, pp 344~352 ( 2015/10 )

12.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Sheng-Hsiang Huang,A data mining approach to optimize shelf-space allocation in consideration of customer purchase and moving behaviors,International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 53 , No. 3 , pp 850~866 ( 2015/02 )

13.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Chih-Jung Chen,A PSO-AB Classifier for solving sequence classification problems,Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 27 , pp 11~27 ( 2015/02 )

14.    Ren-Jieh Kuo;S. S. Chen;W. C. Cheng;Chieh-Yuan Tsai,Integration of artificial immune network and K-means for cluster analysis,Knowledge and Information Systems, Vol. 40 , No. 3 , pp 541~557 ( 2014/09 )

15.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Chih-Jung Chen;Yu-Ting Lo,A cost-based module mining method for the assemble-to-order strategy,Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol. 25 , No. 6 , pp 1377~1392 ( 2014/12 )

16.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Chih-Jung Chen;Wen-Jen Lee, An optimized classification method for multi-classed sequencesInternational Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, 3, pp. 54~59(2013)

17.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Chen, Chih-Jung;Chien, Chun-Ju, 'A time-interval sequence classification method', Knowledge and Information Systems, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 251~278(2013/11)

18.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Chung, Shang-Hsuan, A personalized route recommendation service for theme parks using RFID information and tourist behaviorDecision Support Systems, 52, pp. 514~527(2012)

19.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Liou, James J. H.;Chen, Ching-Chuan;Hsiao, Ching-Chuan, Generating touring path suggestions using time-interval sequential pattern miningExpert Systems With Applications, 39, pp. 3593~3602(2012)

20.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Chih-Chung Lo;Chao-Wen Lin, A time-interval sequential pattern change detection methodInternational Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 10, pp. 83~108, 201101

21.    James J. H. Liou;Ching-Hui Tang;Wen-Chien Yeh;Chieh-Yuan Tsai, A decision rules approach for improvement of airport service qualityExpert Systems With Applications, 38, pp. 13723~13730(2011)

22.    James J. H Liou;Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Rong-Ho Lin;Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, A modified VIKOR multiple-criteria decision method for improving domestic airlines service qualityJournal of Air Transport Management, 17, pp. 57~61, 201103

23.    James J. H. Liou;Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng;Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Chao-Che Hsu, A hybrid ANP model in fuzzy environments for strategic alliance partner selection in the airline industryApplied Soft Computing, 11, pp. 3515~3524, 201106

24.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Pei-Heng Lo, A sequential pattern based route suggestion systemInternational Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 6, pp. 4389~4408, 201010

25.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Henyi Jen;I-Ching Chen, Time-interval process model discovery and validation - a genetic process mining approachApplied Intelligence, 33, pp. 54~66, 201008

26.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Shieh, Yu-Chen,A change detection method for sequential patterns,Decision Support Systems,Vol. 46, No. 2,pp.501-511,200901

27.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Chi-Yang Tsai;Huang, Po-Wen,An association clustering algorithm for can-order policies in the joint replenishment problem,International Journal of Production Economics,Vol. 117, No. 1,pp. 30-41,200901

28.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Chiu, Chuang-Cheng,An efficient conserved region detection method for multiple protein sequences using principal component analysis and wavelet transform,Pattern Recognition Letters,Vol. 29, No. 5,pp. 616-628

29.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Liou, James J.H.;Huang, Ting-Mei,Using a multiple-GA method to solve batch picking problem: considering travel distance and order due time,International Journal of Production Research,Vol. 46, No. 22,pp. 6533-6555,200812

30.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Chiu, Chuang-Cheng,Developing a feature weight self-adjustment mechanism for a K-Means clustering algorithm,Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,Vol. 52, No. 10,pp. 4658-4672.

31.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Chiu, Chuang-Cheng,A Clustering-Oriented Star Coordinate Translation Method for Reliable Clustering Parameterization,Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,Vol. 5012,pp. 749-758

32.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Chen, I-Ching,Using genetic process mining technology to construct a time-interval process model,Proceedings of the Twenty Second International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA-AIE 2009)

33.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Chiu, Chuang-Cheng,A Residue-Based Cluster Validity Index for Gene Expression Data Biclustering,Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE 2009)

34.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Chiu, Chuang-Cheng,Developing a significant nearest neighbor search method for effective case retrieval in a CBR System,Proceedings of International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology – Spring Conference (IACSIT-SC 2009),pp. 262-266

35.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Chen, Chih-Jung,A common module mining method for variant products,Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2008)

36.    Tsai, C.-Y. and Chiu, C.-C., 2007, “A case-based reasoning system for PCB principal process parameter identification,” Expert Systems with Applications (NSC 93-2213-E-155-018) (Accepted and to appear in 2007) [SCI]

37.    Tsai, C.-Y., Chiu, Chuang-Cheng,Developing an effective hierarchical clustering method based on traveling salesman problem model,WSEAS Transactions on Computers,(期別:Vol. 6, No. 3,pp. 385-393)2007/3

38.    Tsai, C.-Y., Chiu, Chuang-Cheng,A case-based reasoning system for PCB principal process parameter identification,Expert Systems with Applications,(期別:Vol. 32, No. 4,pp. 1183-1193)2007/5

39.    Tsai, C.-Y., Wang, Jing-Chung;Chen, Chih-Jung,Mining usage behavior change for credit card users,WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications,(期別:Vol. 4, No. 3,pp. 529-536)2007/3

40.    Chiu, Chuang-Cheng;Tsai, C.-Y., A k-anonymity clustering method for effective data privacy preservation,Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,Vol. 4632, pp. 89–99

41.    Tsai, C.-Y., Chiu, Chuang-Cheng,An efficient feature selection approach for clustering: using a Gaussian mixture model of data dissimilarity,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,Vol. 4705, pp. 1107–1118

42.    Tsai, C.-Y., Sun, T.-H.;Huang, J.-X.,A web based XML information sharing system for collaborative product development,International Journal of Production Research,(期別:Vol. 44, No. 14,pp. 2955-2976)2006/8

43.    Tsai, C.-Y. and Wang, C.-C., 2006, “The Study of Performance Measurement Indicators for Product Collaborative Design,” Industry Forum. (in Chinese) (Accepted and to appear in 2006)

44.    Tsai, C.-Y., Sun, T.-H., and Huang, J.-X., 2006, “A web based XML information sharing system for collaborative product development,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 44, No. 14, pp. 2955-2976. (August, 2006) [SCI] [EI]

45.    Tsai, C.-Y., Wang, Chia-Ching,The study of performance measurement indicators for product collaborative design,Industry Forum,(期別:Vol. 8, No. 3,pp. 39-58),2006/9

46.    Tsai, C.-Y. and Chang, C. A., 2005, “A two-stage fuzzy approach to feature-based design retrieval,” Computers in Industry, Vol. 56, No. 5, pp. 493-505. (June, 2005) [SCI] [EI]

47.    Tsai, C.-Y., Chiu, C.-C., and Chen, J. S., 2005, “A case-based reasoning system for PCB defect prediction,” Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 813-822. (NSC 92-2213-E-155-056) (May, 2005) [SCI]

48.    Hwang, C.-Y., Tsai, C.-Y., and Chang, C. A., 2004, “Efficient inspection planning for coordinate measuring machines,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 23, No. 9-10, pp. 732-742. [SCI]

49.    Tien, F.-C. and Tsai, C.-Y., 2004, “Scanline-based stereo matching by genetic algorithm,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 42, No. 6, pp. 1083-1106. [SCI]

50.    Tien, F.-C. and Tsai, C.-Y., 2004, “Computer Aided Inspection for Substrate Design,” International Journal of Advance Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 23, No. 3-4, pp. 279-287. [SCI]

51.    Tsai, C.-Y. and Chiu, C.-C., 2004, “Using data mining technology to construct an intelligent information retrieval system for e-government,” Industry Forum, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 91-109.

52.    Tsai, C.-Y., Tien, F.-C., and Pan, T.-Y., 2004, “Development of an XML-based structural product retrieval system for virtual enterprises,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 42, No. 8, pp. 1505-1524. [SCI]

53.    Tsai, C.-Y. and Chiu, C.-C., 2004, “A purchase-based market segmentation methodology,” Expert System with Applications, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 265-276. [SCI]

54.    Lin, M.-C., Tsai, C.-Y., Chang, C. A., 2004, “Using Fuzzy QFD for Design of Low-End Digital Camera,” International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 222-233.

55.    Tsai, C.-Y., Chang, P.-C., and Wang, S.-J., 2003, “Applying association-rule techniques and artificial neural networks to product development,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 101-112. [EI]

56.    Tsai, C.-Y., Lo, C.-C., and Chang, C. A., 2003, “Using fuzzy QFD to enhance manufacturing strategic planning,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 33-41. [EI]

57.    Tsai, C.-Y. and Chang, C. A., 2003, “Fuzzy neural networks for intelligent design retrieval using associative manufacturing features,” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 183-195. [SCI]

58.    Chang, P.-C., Tsai, C.-Y., and Hsieh, J. C., 2002, “Application of data mining to customer relationship management – the case of cosmetics,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 45-59. [EI]

59.    Chang, C. A. and Tsai, C.-Y., 1997, “Using ART1 neural networks with destructive solid geometry for design retrieving systems,” Computers in Industry, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 27-41. [SCI]

B.    Conference Papers
1.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Gerardo Paniagua;Yu-Jen Chen;Chih-Chung Lo;Liguo Yao, Personalized Tour Recommender through Geotagged Photo Mining and LSTM Neural Networks, The 23rd International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC 2019), 2019/07/14

2.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Gerardo Paniagua;Yu-Jen Chen, Travel route recommendation using social media photos, The 4th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia (Aml&E 2019) ( 2019/10/04 )

3.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Wei-Zhong Ji, Knowledge map construction using text mining and artificial bee colony algorithm, The 42nd IEEE International Conference on Computers, Software & Applications (COMPSAC 2018), Japan(2018/07/23)

4.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Wei-Zhong Ji, Knowledge map construction using text mining and artificial bee colony algorithm, The 42nd IEEE International Conference on Computers, Software & Applications (COMPSAC 2018), Japan, 2018/07/23

5.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Yu-Jen Chen;Kuan-Wei Wang, Text classification using ensemble machine learning techniques, 2018 IISE Asian Conference joint with CIEDH and CIIE Annual Conference, 2018/10/18

6.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Wei-Zhong Ji,Knowledge map construction using artificial bee colony algorithms,The 7th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering (WCSE 2017),Beijing, China ( 2017/06/25 )

7.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Jing-Yao Hong;Meng-Lin Li, An implicit rating based recommendation system: considering customer visiting sequence, The 13th Annual Meeting of the Operations Research Society of Taiwan (ORSTW 2017), Taiwan(2017/10/14)

8.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Yi-Wen Liu,Using social network analysis to explore the patent citation relationship – taking smartphone companies as an example,International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM2017 Winter),Tokyo, Japan ( 2017/02/07 )

9.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Yao, Yu-Yu,Integrating sequential pattern mining techniques and support vector machines for sequence classification,The 2016 International Conference on Data Mining (DMIN'16),USA ( 20160725 )

10.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Sih-Wei Shen,An implicit rating based product recommendation system,The 17th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEM 2016), ( 2016/12/07 )

11.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Nguyen Ngoc An,Network Analysis of Patent Infringement Lawsuits in Pharmaceutical Industry,Tthe Fourth International Conference on Informatics & Applications (ICIA2015) ( 2015/07 )

12.    Sheng-Hsiang Huang;Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Chih-Chung Lo,A Multi-Data Mining Approach for Shelf Space Optimization: Considering Customer Behaviour,The 11th International Conference on e-Business (ICE-B 2014) ( 2014/08 )

13.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Chen-Yi Huang, An efficient multiple object tracking method with mobile RFID readers, 2013 IIE Asian Conference(2013)

14.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Bo-Han Lai, A customized visiting route service under RFID environment, The 37th Annual International Computer Software & Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2013)(2013)

15.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Shang-Hsuan Chung, A RFID based route recommendation service for theme parks, The 2011 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology (e-CASE & e-Tech 2011), Tokyo, Japan, January 18 - 20

16.    Tsai, C.-Y.,Chiu, Chuang-Cheng, A Novel Microarray Biclustering Algorithm, The International Conference on Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (ICCSDA 2010), ., 201005

17.    Tsai, C.-Y.,Wu, Ming-Chang, Applying a two-stage simulated annealing algorithm for shelf space allocation problems, The 2010 International Conference of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management (ICMEEM'10), ., 201006

18.    Tsai, C.-Y.,Chien, Chun-Ju, An optimized classification model for time-interval sequences, The 2010 International Conference of Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Systems (ICCIIS'10), ., 201006

19.    Tsai, C.-Y.,Chen, Chih-Jung;Hsiao, Ching-Chuan, A sequential pattern mining based guiding system, Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2009), 200912

20.    Tsai, C.-Y.,Huang, Chen-Yi;Yeh, Ting-Yi, A mobile RFID system for multi-object searching, Proceedings of the 2009 Asian Pacific International Conference on RFID (APICOR 2009), 200912

21.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai;Chiu, Chuang-Cheng,Developing a novel clustering algorithm for the purchasing behavior-based customer segmentation,Proceedings of the 9th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2008),200812

22.    Tsai, C.-Y., Chiu, Chuang-Cheng,A weighted feature C-means clustering algorithm for case indexing and retrieval in cased-based reasoning,The 20th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE 2007), Kyoto, Japan,2007/6

23.    Tsai, C.-Y., A credit card usage behaviour analysis framework - a data mining approach,The International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICE-B 2007), Barcelona, Spain,2007/7

24.    Tsai, C.-Y., Lin, Meng-Jhen;Chen, Chih-Jung,An Efficient Assignment Sequence Algorithm for the Multi-Stage Shelf Allocation Problem,The 8th APIEMS & 2007 CIIE Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

25.    Tsai, C.-Y., Chiu, C.-C., Chao, S.-M., “A real-time mobile system for fetal heart rate monitoring and fetal distress detection,” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM’06), Nara, Japan, May 9-13, 2006 (NSC94-2213-E1

26.    蔡介元、陳志源,「以 XML 技術為基礎的多方協商機制之探討」,2006產業電子化運籌管理學術暨實務研討會論文集,宜蘭,June 15, 2006。

27.    Tsai, C.-Y. and Chiu, C.-C., “A case-based reasoning system for PCB fabrication cost estimation in product design phase,” Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., June 20-23, 2006 (N

28.    Tsai, C.-Y., Wang, Jing-Chung;Chen, Chih-Jung,A change detection model for credit card usage behavior,T5th WSEAS International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Man-Machine Systems and Cybernetics (CIMMACS' 06), Venice, Italy,2006/11

29.    Tsai, C.-Y., Chiu, Chuang-Cheng,A VNS-based hierarchical clustering method,The 5th WSEAS International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Man-Machine Systems and Cybernetics (CIMMACS' 06), Venice, Italy,2006/11

30.    邱創政;Tsai, C.-Y., Improving the performance of K-means clustering algorithm by a feature weight self-adjustment mechanism,2006年中國工業工程學會學術研討會,台中,2006/12

31.    蔡介元、吳俊逸,「發展一個以語意網路為基礎的分散式資料挖掘系統」,中國工業工程學會九十四年度年會暨學術研討會,新竹,December 17, 2005。

32.    蔡介元、林伶恩、楊哲智,「一個以資料挖掘為基礎的校系競爭關係評估模式」,中國工業工程學會九十四年度年會暨學術研討會,新竹,December 17, 2005。

33.    Tsai, C.-Y. and Tsai, M.-H., “A dynamic Web Service based data mining process system,” Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, Shanghai, China, September 21-23, 2005. (NSC94-2213-E-155-005)

34.    Tsai, C.-Y., Wang, J.-C., and Huang, P.-W., “Change mining for credit card customer relationship management,” Proceedings of the 3rd ANQ Congress and the 19th Asia Quality Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, September 20-23, 2005.

35.    蔡介元、陳冠榮、邱創政,「運用Web Services技術建置一個以ebXML為基之自動化訂單協商機制 – 以PCB產業為例」,第六屆電子化企業經營管理理論暨實務研討會論文集,彰化,May 21, 2005。

36.    蔡介元、林皙杰、凃郁慈、魏成瑋,「資料探勘與Web Services之整合性研究」,2005第一屆資訊管理學術暨專案管理實務研討會論文集,桃園,April 23, 2005。

37.    蔡介元、陳志源、周宜成、 張兆祥,「應用資料挖掘技術於網路入侵偵測警示報告」,2005第一屆資訊管理學術暨專案管理實務研討會論文集,桃園,April 23, 2005。

38.    Chiu, C.-C. and Tsai, C.-Y., “A Web Services-Based Collaborative Scheme for Credit Card Fraud Detection,” Proceeding of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce and e-Services (EEE 2004), Taipei, Taiwan, 29-31 March, 2004.

39.    Chiu, C.-C. and Tsai, C.-Y., “A primitive-based textural defect detection for gray-level regular texture images,” Proceeding of the 17th Conference of Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, Hua-Lan, Taiwan, 15-17 August, 2004.

40.    邱創政、蔡介元,「以資料探勘技術建置電子化政府之智慧型資料搜尋系統」,第四屆電子化企業經營管理理論暨實務研討會論文集,彰化,第90頁,May 10, 2003。

41.    蔡介元、陳連松、劉泓郁,「以類神經網路運用於化學戰劑之辨識」,九十二年度國防整體後勤支援年會暨研討會論文集,桃園,第105-112頁,October 24, 2003。

42.    侯靜媛、林以蓁、黃博聞、蔡介元,「應用資料探勘技術於多物項存貨模式之探討」,中國工業工程學會九十二年度年會暨學術研討會論文集,彰化,第211頁,December 6, 2003。 (大專生學生論文競賽佳作)

43.    莊瑞南、蔡介元,「以模糊決策樹建構設計製造性知識管理之研究」,中國工業工程學會九十二年度年會暨學術研討會論文集,彰化,第155頁,December 6, 2003。

44.    蔡介元、許玉瓊、邱宇婷、蔡旻宏,「建構一個以Data Mining技術為基礎的Web Service」,第九屆資訊管理暨實務研討會論文集,彰化,第192頁,December 13, 2003。

45.    蔡介元、謝占魁,「以IDEF0方法論建構承攬商施工安全管理模式」,第一屆勞工安全衛生暨勞動災害防止學術研討會論文集,台北,14-19頁,April 12, 2002。

46.    蔡介元、鄭苡蕾、王錫中,「利用資料採礦技術於新產品開發」,2002年科技與管理學術研討會論文集,台北,第3頁,October 18, 2002。

47.    蔡介元、林雅娟、潘宗裕,「以XML為基之產品結構管理系統」,2002年科技與管理學術研討會論文集,台北,第4頁,October 18, 2002。

48.    蔡介元、許盛堡、陳麗君,「建構一個QFD與FMEA之同步工程整合架構」,第八屆全國品質管理研討會論文集,台中,November 1, 2002。

49.    Tsai, C.-Y., Tang, Y.-C., and Kung H.-S., “Using Neural-Networks for Inter-Organizational PCB Manufacturability and Quote Analysis,” Proceeding of the Forth Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, December 18-20, 2002.

50.    蔡介元、簡弘智,「利用專家系統支援電子商務方案評估 – 以台灣實體書店業為例」,第二屆電子化企業經營管理理論暨實務研討會論文集,彰化,90-100頁,April 28, 2001

51.    蔡介元、簡弘智,「運用類神經網路在產品知識管理的應用」,第三屆亞太管理學術研討會論文集,台南,309-314頁,May 8-9, 2001。

52.    Tsai, C.-Y. and Chang, C. A., “An Intelligent Feature-Based Design Retrieval System under Rapid Design Environment,” Proceedings of The 5rth Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering -Theory, Applications and Practice, Hsinchu, Taiwan, pp. 2-87, December 13-15, 2000.

53.    Lin, M.-C., Chen, C.-H., and Tsai, C.-Y., “Development of an engineering design database for the walking-aided rehabilitation apparatus,” Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on Engineering Design and Automation, Vancouver, B. C., Canada, pp. 893-899, August 1-4, 1999.

54.    Tsai, C.-Y., “Dynamic classification of categorical data using an unsupervised artificial neural network,” Proceeding of the 15th Midwest Chinese American Science and Technology, St. Louis, USA, pp. 37, June 13, 1998.

55.    Lo, C.-C., Tsai, C.-Y., and Chang, C. A., “An information fusion method for supply chain management,” Proceeding of the CIIE Conference, Kao-Hsung, Taiwan, pp. 324-328, 1997.

56.    Tsai, C.-Y., Lo, C.-C., and Chang, C. A., “Using artificial intelligent for dynamic classification of categorical data,” Proceeding of the Third Conference on MIS Research and Practice, ChiaYi, Taiwan, Nov. 20-21, 1997.

C.    Books & Others
1.    Chieh-Yuan Tsai,A hybrid data mining approach for credit card usage behavior analysis,Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 23, pp. 85–97, 2008, Springer,200811

2.    Chang, C. A. and Tsai, C.-Y., “Intelligent Design Retrieving Systems Using Neural Networks,” Computational Intelligence in Manufacturing Handbook, CRC press, Chapter 7, pp. 7.1 – 7.11, 2000.

3.    Tsai, C.-Y., “A flexible feature-based design retrieval system,” Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Missouri-Columbia, May 1999.

4.    Tsai, C.-Y., “Using destructive solid geometry approach to ART1 neural network for design retrieval,” Master Thesis, University of Missouri-Columbia, May 1995.

D.    Technical Reports
1.    國科會研究計劃期中精簡報告,編號NSC93-2213-E-155-018,「印刷電路板生產規劃決策支援系統之開發-子計畫三:印刷電路板之設計評估與製造分析模式(2/3)」,執行期間2004年8月1日至2005年7月31日。

2.    經濟部工業局專案計劃期末報告,「經營管理品質推動策略規劃報告」,執行期間2004年5月11日至2004年11月10日。

3.    國科會研究計劃結案報告,編號NSC93-2623-7-155-009,「協同工程績效評估模式之探討」,執行期間2004年1月至2004年12月。

4.    國科會研究計劃結案報告,編號NSC91-2213-E-155-052,「發展一個以STEP為基的印刷電路板可製造性分析與報價評估系統」,執行期間2002年7月至2003年7月。

5.    國科會研究計劃期中精簡報告,編號NSC92-2213-E-155-056,「印刷電路板生產規劃決策支援系統之開發-子計畫三:印刷電路板之設計評估與製造分析模式(1/3)」,執行期間2003年7月至2004年7月。

6.    國科會研究計劃結案報告,編號NSC90-2218-E-155-003,「虛擬企業環境下的產品結構管理系統之開發」,執行期間2001年7月至2002年7月。

7.    教育部電子化供應鏈產學合作計劃期末報告,「電子化供應鏈產學合作計劃-以印刷電路板業為例」,執行期間2002年1月至2002年12月。

8.    國科會研究計劃結案報告,編號NSC89-2218-E-216-019,「智慧型通訊多媒體的內涵資料擷取技術之研究」,執行期間2000年7月至2001年7月。

9.    台灣有線視訊寬頻網路發展協進會研究計劃結案報告,「建構顧客關係管理(CRM)導向的電子化政府─民眾透過寬頻網際網路使用電子化政府之研究」,執行期間2001年7月至2001年12月。

10.    國科會研究計劃結案報告,編號NSC89-2213-E-431-002,「資訊融合技術於供應鏈管理之應用-以供應商之多特性績效評估為例」,執行期間2000年7月至2001年7月。

11.    國科會研究計劃結案報告,編號NSC89-2213-E-343-002,「特徵式的設計搜尋系統之開發」,執行期間1999年12月至2000年7月。