The research results of Wu, Gen-Han Associate Professor are follows :

A.    Journal Papers
1.    Gen-Han Wu;Chen-Yang Cheng;Pourya Pourhejazy;Bai-Lyn Fang,Variable neighborhood-based Cuckoo Search for production routing with time window and setup times,Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 125, pp 109191~NA ( 2022/ )

2.    Gen-Han Wu;Chen-Yang Cheng;Hong-In Yang;Chung-Te Chena, An Improved Water Flow-like Algorithm for Order Acceptance and Scheduling with Identical Parallel Machines, Applied Soft Computing, Vol.71, pp1072~1084(2018/10)

3.    Gen-Han Wu;Chen-Kang Chang;Lo-Mei Hsu, Comparisons of Interactive Fuzzy Programming Approaches for Closed-loop Supply Chain Network Design under Uncertainty, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol.125, pp500~513(2018/11)

4.    Hung, Y.F.*, Tsai, P.H., and Wu, G.H., “Application Extensions from the Stochastic Capacity Rationing Decision Approach.”, International Journal of Production Research, 2014, 52, 6, 1695-1710.

5.    Hung, Y.F.*, Wang, C.C., and Wu, G.H., “Scheduling Semiconductor Multi-head Testers Using Metaheuristic Techniques Embedded with Lot-Specific and Configuration-specific Information.”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, Article ID 436701, 14 pages.

B.    Conference Papers
1.    Gen-Han Wu;Yung-Hsun Tsai, Feature Selection Using Variable Neighborhood Search and K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm, 30th European Conference on Operational Research, 2019/06/23

2.    Nguyen Thi Hong Yen;Gen-Han Wu;Hizkia Gunawan, A Variable Neighborhood Descent Algorithm for Job Shop Scheduling Problem, 2019台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會 ( 2019/11/08 )

3.    Ting-Jhao Jian;Bai-Lu Fang;Gen-Han Wu, Cuckoo search for integrating machine scheduling and vehicle routing, 29th European Conference on Operational Research, Spain, 2018/07/08

4.    Yung-Hsun Tsai;Ken-Hsuan Chen;Gen-Han Wu, Dispatching rules selection for machines and AMHS scheduling, 29th European Conference on Operational Research, Spain, 2018/07/08

5.    Gen-Han Wu;Wang-Xian LiMinimizing the weighted tardiness penalties for parallel machines scheduling based on ATC dispatching rule,29th European Conference on Operational Research, Spain, 2018/07/08

6.    Ting-Jhao Jian;Bai-Lu Fang;Gen-Han Wu, Cuckoo search for integrating machine scheduling and vehicle routing, 29th European Conference on Operational Research, 西班牙(2018/07/08)

7.    Yung-Hsun Tsai;Ken-Hsuan Chen;Gen-Han Wu, Dispatching rules selection for machines and AMHS scheduling, 29th European Conference on Operational Research, 西班牙(2018/07/08)

8.    Gen-Han Wu;Wang-Xian Li, Minimizing the weighted tardiness penalties for parallel machines scheduling based on ATC dispatching rule, 29th European Conference on Operational Research, 西班牙(2018/07/08)

9.      Wu, G.H*, Chen, H.W., and Li, W.X., “Hybrid Algorithm for Order Acceptance and Scheduling.”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering (IJIE), Seoul, Korea, October 10-12, 2016. (accepted)

10.     Wu, G.H.*, Chin, N., and Fang, B.L., “A Hybrid Algorithm based on VNS and SA for the Dial-a-rida Problem with Time Windows.”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering (IJIE), Seoul, Korea, October 10-12, 2016. (accepted)

11.    Wu, G.H.;Fang, B.L.,A Hybrid Algorithm based on VNS and SA for the Dial-a-ride Problem with Time Windows,2016 International Conference on Industrial Engineering (IJIE),Seoul, Korea ( 2016/10/10 )

12.    Wu, G.H.;Chen, H.W;Li, W.X,Hybrid Algorithm for Order Acceptance and Scheduling.,2016 International Conference on Industrial Engineering (IJIE),Korea ( 2016/10/10 )

13.    Chen, K.H;Wu, G.H.,Simulation-based Hybrid Algorithms for Dispatching Scheduling in Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication System,2016 International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Intelligence (ISMI), ( 2016/08/07 )

14.       Chen, K.H. and Wu, G.H.*, “Simulation-based Hybrid Algorithms for Dispatching Scheduling in Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication System.”, 2016 International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Intelligence (ISMI), Hsinchu, Taiwan, August 7-10, 2016.

15.     陳克軒、吳政翰*, “利用變動鄰域搜尋法求解半導體晶圓製造系統之派工排程問題”,中華民國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會, 2015年12月12日,台灣、新北市、勤益科技大學

16.    吳政翰*、張宸綱、許洛美, “不確定性封閉式供應鏈網路設計--模糊最佳化方法之比較”,中華民國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會, 2015年12月12日, 台灣、台中市、勤益科技大學

17.      Wu, G.H.*, Chen, Y.T., and Chen, K.H., “Hybrid Algorithms for Inbound and Outbound Truck Scheduling in Cross Docking Systems.”, Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Society (APIEMS), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, December 8-11, 2015.

18.       Wu, G.H.*, Chang, C.K., and Hsu, L.M., “An Interactive Possibilistic Programming Approach for Closed-loop Supply Chain Network Design under Uncertainty.”, Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Society (APIEMS), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, December 8-11, 2015.

19.       Chen, K.H. and Wu, G.H.*, “A Variable Neighborhood Search for Dispatching Scheduling in Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication System.”, Proceedings of the 2015 International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Intelligence (ISMI), Daejeon, South Korea, October 16-18, 2015.

20.    Wu, G.H.* and Chou, S.Y., “Order Acceptance and Parallel Machine Scheduling with Earliness- Tardiness Penalties.”, International Conference on Modelling and Optimization: Theory and Application (MOPTA), Bethelem, PA, U.S.A., July 20-22, 2015.

21.        吳政翰*、陳羿婷、陳克軒, “越庫作業之出入站貨車排程”,中華民國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會, 2014年12月6日,台灣、新北市、明志科技大學

22.        吳政翰*、楊弘引、陳尚寬, “應用仿水流演算法求解訂單接受與平行機台排程問題”,中華民國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會, 2014年12月6日, 台灣、新北市、明志科技大學

23.        吳得魁、吳政翰*, “整合生產排程與車輛途程之演算方法研究”,台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會, 2013年10月19日,台灣、新竹市、交通大學

24.      陳宏瑋、吳政翰*, “考量訂單接受與多機排程之演算方法研究”,台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會, 2013年10月19日,台灣、新竹市、交通大學

25.       Chen, S.K.*, Wu, G.H., Ti, Y.W., Wang, R.Z., Fang, W.P., and Lu, C.J., “Hierarchical Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm of IPSVR problem.”, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, Prague, Czech Republic, August 25-27, 2013.

26.    吳政翰*、陳宗德、陳尚寬, “考量急單效應下之訂單接受與生產排程問題”, 中華民國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會, 2012年12月15日, 台灣、彰化縣、大葉大學

27.       Wu, G.H.* and Chen, C.T., “Integrated Order Acceptance and Machine Scheduling in a Make-to-order Environment.”, INFORMS International Meeting, Beijing, China, June 24-27, 2012.

28.      Wu, G.H.* and Cavalier, T.M., “Fleet Planning in the Car Rental Business.”, Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Society (APIEMS), Kitakyushu, Japan, December 14-16, 2009.

29.    Wu, G.H.* and Cavalier, T.M., “Allocating Demand and Redistributing Empty Flow in the Car Rental Business.”, INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, U.S.A., October 11-14, 2009.

30.    Wu, G.H.* and Cavalier, T.M., “Distributing the Inter-pool Moves and Asset Replacement in the Car Rental Business.”, International Conference on Modelling and Optimization: Theory and Application (MOPTA), Bethelem, PA, U.S.A., August 19-21, 2009.

31.    Wu, G.H.* and Cavalier, T.M., “Modelling and Solving Pool Segmentation in the Car Rental Business.”, CORS-INFORMS International Meeting, Toronto, Canada, June 14-17, 2009.

32.    Wu, G.H.* and Hung, Y.F., “The Study of Capacitated Lot Sizing Problems with Carry-over Setups.”, Proceedings of PSU College of Engineering Research Symposium, University Park, PA, U.S.A., April 9, 2005.

C.    Rewards
1.    Che, K.H., Honorable Mention, 2016 CIIE Industrial Engineering & Management Master Thesis Contest (Production System Division)

2.    Chen, K.H., Wu, Gen-Han, Best Paper of 2015 CIIE Annual Conference.

3.    Yang. H.Y., the first runner-up, 2014 ORSTW Master Thesis Contest

4.    Chin, N., Honorable Mention, 2014 ORSTW Master Thesis Contest

5.    Liu, M.H., Honorable Mention, 2014 ORSTW Master Thesis Contest

6.    Chou, S.Y., Honorable Mention, 2014 ORSTW Master Thesis Contest

7.    Wan, G.Y., Honorable Mention, 2014 ORSTW Master Thesis Contest

8.    Chen, Y.T., Honorable Mention, 2014 CIIR Industrial Engineering & Management Master Thesis Contest (Production System Division)

9.    Chang, C.K., the second runner-up, 2013 ORSTW Master Thesis Contest