The research results of Tsai, Du-Ming Professor (YZU Chair Professor, Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Fellow) are follows :

A.    Journal Papers
1.    Shu-Kai S. Fan;Du-Ming Tsai;Chih-Hung Jen;Chia-Yu Hsu;Fei He;Li-Ting Juan,Data Visualization of Anomaly Detection in Semiconductor Processing Tools,IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Vol. 35, pp 186~197 ( 2022/05 )

2.    Saul A. Reynoso Farn;Du-Ming Tsai;Wei-Yao Chiu,Autofocus Measurement for Electronic Components Using Deep Regression,IEEE Transactions on Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 11, pp 697~707 ( 2021/04 )

3.    Du-Ming Tsai;Shu-Kai S. Fan;Yi-Hsiang Chou,Auto-Annotated Deep Segmentation for Surface Defect Detection,IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 70, pp 5011410~1 ( 2021/06 )

4.    Du-Ming Tsai;Yi-Hsiang Chou, Fast and Precise Positioning in PCBs Using Deep Neural Network Regression, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol.69, No.7, pp 4692~4701( 2020/07 )


6.    Shu-Kai S. Fan;Chia-Yu Hsu;Du-Ming Tsai;Fei He;Chun-Chung Cheng,Data-Driven Approach for Fault Detection and Diagnostic in Semiconductor Manufacturing,IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 17, pp 1925~1936 ( 2020/10 )

7.    Du-Ming Tsai, Defect detection in electronic surfaces using template-based Fourier image reconstruction, IEEE Transactions on Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, Vo9, No.1, pp163~172(2019/01)

8.    Du-Ming Tsai;Daniel E. Rivera Mol, Morphology-based defect detection in machined surfaces with circulartool-mark patterns, Measurement, Vo134, pp209~217(2019/02)

9.    Shu-Kai S. Fan;Du-Ming Tsai;Fei He;Jui-Yu Huang;Chih-Hung Jen, Key parameter identification and defective wafer detection of semiconductor manufacturing processes using image processing techniques, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Vol.32, No.4, pp 544~552( 2019/11 )

10.    Shu-Kai S. Fan;Du-Ming Tsai;Wei-Che Chuang,Automatic vision-based grain optimization and analysis of multi-crystalline solar wafers using hierarchical region growing,Engineering Optimization, Vol. 49, pp 617~632 ( 2017/04 )

11.    Du-Ming Tsai;Yi-chun Hsieh, Machine Vision-Based Positioning and Inspection Using Expectation-Maximization Technique, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 66,No. 11, pp2858~2868(2017/11)

12.    Du-Ming Tsai;Y. J. Xie,Crack detection in randomly textured surfaces using spiral search,International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research, Vol. 4 , No. 1, pp 1~7 ( 2016/01 )

13.    Du-Ming Tsai;H.-J. Lu,Boundary-based object segmentation in X-ray imaging using spiral search,Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 64, pp 381~395 ( 2016/10 )

14.    Du-Ming Tsai;Hao Hsu;Wei-Yao Chiu,3-D vision-assist guidance for robots or the visually impaired,Industrial Robot - An International Journal, Vol. 41 , No. 4, pp 351~364 ( 2015/01 )

15.    Du-Ming Tsai;Guan-Nan Li;Wei-Chen Li;Wei-Yao Chiu,Defect detection in multi-crystal solar cells using clustering with uniformity measures,Advanced Engineering Informatics, Vol. 29 , No. 3, pp 419~430 ( 2015/08 )

16.    Du-Ming Tsai;Wei-Yao Chiu;Men-Han Lee,Optical flow-motion history image (OF-MHI) for action recognition,Signal, Image and Video Processing, Vol. 9 , No. 8, pp 1897~1906 ( 2015/11 )

17.    Du-Ming Tsai;Chingying Huang,A motion and image analysis method for automatic detection of estrus and mating behavior in cattle,Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol. 104 , pp 25~31 ( 2014/06 )

18.    Du-Ming Tsai;Hao Hsu;Wei-Yao Chiu, '3-D vision-assist guidance for robots or the visually impaired', Industrial Robot - An International Journal, Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 351~364(2014/07)

19.    Du-Ming Tsai;Wei-Yao Chiu,Action performance evaluation in video sequences,Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 62 , No. 7 , pp 358~364 ( 2014/09 )

20.    Wei-Yao Chiu;Du-Ming Tsai,Dual-mode detection for foreground segmentation in low-contrast video images,Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, Vol. 9 , No. 4 , pp 647~659 ( 2014/12 )

21.    Du-Ming Tsai;Shih-Chieh Wu;Wei-Yao Chiu, Defect Detection in Solar Modules Using ICA Basis ImagesIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 9, pp. 122~131(2013)

22.    Du-Ming Tsai;Tzu-Hsun Tseng, 'A template reconstruction scheme for moving object detection from a mobile robot', Industrial Robot - An International Journal, Vol. 40, No. 6, pp. 559~573(2013/11)

23.    Du-Ming Tsai;Ming-Chin Lin, 'Machine-vision-based identification for wafer tracking in solar cell manufacturing', Robotics and Computer - Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 312~321(2013/10)

24.    Du-Ming Tsai;I-Yung Chiang;Ya-Hui Tsai, A shift-tolerant dissimilarity measure for surface defect detectionIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 8, pp. 128~137(2012)

25.    Wei-Chen Li;Du-Ming Tsai, Wavelet-based defect detection in solar wafer images with inhomogeneous texturePattern Recognition, 45, pp. 742~756(2012)

26.    Du-Ming Tsai;Shih-Chieh Wu;Wei-Chen Li, Defect detection of solar cells in electroluminescence images using Fourier image reconstructionSolar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 99, pp. 250~262(2012)

27.    Du-Ming Tsai;Shih-Chieh Wu;Wei-Chen Li, Defect detection of solar cells in electroluminescence images using Fourier image reconstructionSolar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 99, pp. 250~262(2012)

28.    Du-Ming Tsai;Ming-Chun Chen;Wei-Chen Li;Wei-Yao Chiu, A fast regularity measure for surface defect detectionMachine Vision and Applications, 23, pp. 869~886(2012)

29.    Wei-Chen Li;Du-Ming Tsai, Defect inspection in low-contrast LCD images using Hough transform-based nonstationary line detectionIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 7, pp. 136~147, 201102

30.    Du-Ming Tsai;Chung-Chan Lin, Fuzzy C-means based clustering for linearly and nonlinearly separable dataPattern Recognition, 44, pp. 1750~1760(2011)

31.    Wei-Chen Li;Du-Ming Tsai, Automatic saw-mark detection in multicrystalline solar wafer imagesSolar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 95, pp. 2206~2220(2011)

32.    Du-Ming Tsai;Jie-Yu Luo, Mean shift-based defect detection in multicrystalline solar wafer surfacesIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 7, pp. 125~135, 201102

33.    Ya-Hui Tsai;Du-Ming Tsai;Wei-Chen Li;Wei-Yao Chiu;Ming-Chin Lin, Surface defect detection of 3D objects using robot visionIndustrial Robot - An International Journal, 38, pp. 381~398, 201107

34.    邱威堯;D. M. Tsai, A macro-observation scheme for abnormal event detection in daily-life video sequences, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2010,pp.1-19, 201004

35.    曾彥馨;D. M. Tsai, Defect detection of uneven brightness in low-contrast images using basis image representation, Pattern Recognition, 43,pp. 1129-1141, 201003

36.    趙新民;D. M. Tsai, Anisotropic diffusion with generalized diffusion coefficient function for defect detection in low-contrast surface images, Pattern Recognition, 43,pp.1917-1931, 201005

37.    D. M. Tsai,張志傑;趙新民, Micro-crack inspection in heterogeneously textured solar wafers using anisotropic diffusion, Image and Vision Computing, 28,pp.491-501, 201003

38.    Shin-Ming Chao;Du-Ming Tsai, An improved anisotropic diffusion model for detail- and edge-preserving smoothingPattern Recognition Letters, 31, pp. 2012~2023, 201010

39.    Du-Ming Tsai;賴夏枝,Independent component analysis-based background subtraction for indoor surveillance,IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,18,pp.158-167,200901

40.    D. M. Tsai,蘇晏徵, Non-referential, self-compared shape defect inspection for bond pads with deformed shapes, International Journal of Production Research, 47,pp.1225-1244, 200908

41.    Shin-Min Chao;Du-Ming Tsai,An anisotropic diffusion-based defect detection for low-contrast glass substrates,Image and Vision Computing,26,pp.187-200

42.    C. J. Lu;Du-Ming Tsai,Independent component analysis-based defect detection in patterned liquid crystal display surfaces,Image and Vision Computing,26,pp.955-970

43.    Du-Ming Tsai;邱威堯,Motion detection using Fourier image reconstruction,Pattern Recognition Letters,29,pp.2145-2155,200812

44.    Du-Ming Tsai;賴夏枝,Defect detection in periodically patterned surfaces using independent component analysis,Pattern Recognition,41,pp.2812-2832,200809

45.    顏旭男;Du-Ming Tsai;馮勝凱,Full-Field 3-D Flip-Chip Solder Bumps Measurement Using DLP-Based Phase Shifting Technique,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ADVANCED PACKAGING,31,pp.830-840,200811

46.    Du-Ming Tsai, Su-Ta Chuang;Yan-Hsin Tseng,One-dimensional Based Automatic Defect Inspection of Multiple Patterned TFT-LCD Panels using Fourier Image Reconstruction,International Journal of Production Research,(期別:45,pp.1297-1321),2007/3

47.    D. M. Tsai, S. T. Chuang and Y. H. Tseng, 2007,“One-dimensional Based Automatic Defect Inspection of Multiple Patterned TFT-LCD Panels using Fourier Image Reconstruction,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 45, pp 1297-1321. (SCI)

48.    Du-Ming Tsai, C. C. Kuo,Defect detection in inhomogeneously textured sputtered surfaces using 3D Fourier image reconstruction,Machine Vision and Applications,18,pp.383-400

49.    H. N. Yen, D. M. Tsai and J. Y. Yang, 2006,“Full-field 3D measurement of solder pastes using LCD-based phase shifting techniques,”IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing, VOL. 29, NO. 1, pp. 50-57. (SCI)

50.    Hsu-Nan Yen;Du-Ming Tsai, Jun-Yi Yang,Full-field 3D measurement of solder pastes using LCD-based phase shifting techniques,IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing,29,pp.50-57,2006/1

51.    Du-Ming Tsai, Ping-Chieh Lin;Chi-Jie Lu,An independent component analysis-based filter design for defect detection in low-contrast surface images,Pattern Recognition,39,pp.1679-1694,2006/9

52.    Y. H. Tseng and D. M. Tsai ,2006, “Using Independent Component Analysis Based Process Monitoring in TFT-LCD Manufacturing,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, VOL. 23 NO. 3, pp262-267. (EI)

53.    S. M. Chao and D. M. Tsai, 2006, “Astronomical image restoration using an improved anisotropic diffusion,” Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol.27, pp.335-344. (SCI)

54.    Shin-Min Chao;Du-Ming Tsai, Astronomical image restoration using an improved anisotropic diffusion,Pattern Recognition Letters,27,pp.335-344,2006/3

55.    D. M. Tsai, P. C. Lin, C. J. Lu, 2006, “An independent component analysis-based filter design for defect detection in low-contrast surface images ”Pattern Recognition, Vol. 39, pp 1679-1694(SCI)

56.    C. J. Lu and D. M. Tsai, 2005, “Automatic Defect Inspection for LCDs Using Singular Value Decomposition,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.25, pp.53-61. (SCI)

57.    D. M. Tsai and S. M. Chao, 2005, “An anisotropic diffusion-based defect detection for sputtered surfaces with inhomogeneous textures,” Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 23, pp. 325-338. (SCI)

58.    D. M. Tsai, C. P. Lin and K. T. Huang, 2005, “Defect detection in colored texture surfaces using Gabor filters,” The Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 53, pp.27-37. (SCI)

59.    D. M. Tsai and C. Y. Hung, 2005, “Automatic Defect Inspection of Patterned TFT-LCD Panels Using 1-D Fourier Reconstruction and Wavelet Decomposition,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol 43, No. 21, 4589-4607. (SCI)

60.    D. M. Tsai and C. H. Yang, 2005,“A quantile-quantile plot based pattern matching for defect detection,” Pattern Recognition Letters , Vol.26, pp.1948-1962. (SCI)

61.    D. M. Tsai and C. H. Yang, 2005,“A quantile-quantile plot based pattern matching for defect detection,” Pattern Recognition Letters , Vol.26, pp.1948-1962. (SCI)

62.    H. N. Yen and D. M. Tsai, 2004, “A fast full-field 3D measurement system for BGA coplanarity inspection," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 24, pp.132-139. (SCI)

63.    C. J. Lu and D. M. Tsai, 2004, “Defect Inspection of Patterned TFT-LCD Panels Using a Fast Sub-Image Based SVD,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 42, pp.4331-4351. (SCI)

64.    E. Zahara, S. K. S. Fan. and D. M. Tsai, 2004, “Optimal multi-thresholding using a hybrid optimization approach,” Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol.26, pp.1082-1095. (SCI)

65.    D. M. Tsai and Y. H. Tsai, 2003, “Defect Detection in Textured Surfaces Using Color Ring-Projection Correlation,” Machine Vision and Applications Vol. 13, pp.194-200.

66.    D. M. Tsai and C. P. Lin, 2003, “Fast Defect Defect Detection in Textured Surfaces Using 1D Gabor Filters,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Vol. 20, pp.664-675.

67.    K. H. Hsiehn and D. M. Tsai, 2003, “A non-Referential Machine Vision Approach for BGA Substrate Inspection,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Vol. 20, pp.125-138.

68.    D. M. Tsai and C. C. Chou, 2003, “A Fast Focus Measure for Video Display Inspection,” Machine Vision & Applications, Vol. 14, pp.192-196.

69.    D. M. Tsai and C .H. Chiang, 2003, “Automatic Band Selection for Wavelet Reconstruction in The Application of Defect Detection,” Image and Vision Computing Vol. 21, pp.413-431.

70.    D. M. Tsai and T. Y. Huang, 2003, “Automated Surface Inspection for Statistical Textures,” Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 21, pp.307-323.

71.    D. M. Tsai and C. T. Lin, 2003, “Fast Normalized Cross Correlation for Defect Detection,” Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 24, pp. 2625-2631. (SCI)

72.    D. M. Tsai, C. T. Lin and J. F. Chen, 2003, “The Evaluation of Normalized Cross Correlations for Defect Detection,” Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol.24, pp.2525-2535. (SCI)

73.    D. M. Tsai and Y. H. Tsai, 2002, “Rotation-Invariant Pattern Matching with Color Ring-Projection,” Pattern Recognition, Vol. 35, pp. 131-141.

74.    D. M. Tsai and C. H. Chiang, 2002, “Rotation-Invariant Pattern Matching Using Wavelet Decomposition,” Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 23, pp. 191-201.

75.    D. M. Tsai and H. P. Lin, 2002, “Fast defect detection in textured surfaces unsing 1D Gabor filters,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 20, pp.664-675.

76.    D. M. Tsai and B. T. Lin, 2002, “Defect Detection of Gold-Plated Surfaces on PCBs Using Entropy Measures,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Vol. 20, pp.420-428.

77.    C. H. Yeh and D. M. Tsai, 2001,“A Rotation-Invariant and Nonreferential Approach for Ball Grid Array (BGA) Substrate Conduct Paths Inspection,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 17, pp.412-424. (SCI)

78.    D. M. Tsai, S. K. Wu and M. C. Chen, 2001, “Optimal Gabor Filter Design for Texture Segmentation Using Stochastic Optimization,” Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 19, pp. 299-316. (SCI)

79.    D. M. Tsai and B. Hsiao, 2001, “Automatic Surface Inspection Using Wavelet Reconstruction,” Pattern Recognition, Vol. 34, pp. 1285-1305. (SCI)

80.    C. H. Yeh and D. M. Tsai, 2001, “Wavelet-Based Approach for Ball Grid Array (BGA) Substrate Conduct Paths Inspection,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 39, pp.4281-4299.

81.    D. M. Tsai and S. K. Wu, 2000, “Automated Surface Inspection Using Gabor Filters,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology , Vol. 16, pp. 474-482. (SCI)

82.    M. C. Chen, D. M. Tsai and H. Y. Tseng, 1999, “A Stochastic Optimization Approach for Roundness Measurements,” Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 20, pp. 707-719. (SCI)

83.    D. M. Tsai, H.-T. Hou and H.-J. Su, 1999, “Boundary-based Corner Detection Using Eigenvalues of Covariance Matrices,” Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 20, pp. 31-40. (SCI)

84.    D. M. Tsai, 1999, “A Machine Vision Approach for Detecting and Inspecting Circular Parts,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 15, pp. 217-221. (SCI)

85.    D. M. Tsai and C. F. Tseng, 1999, “Surface Roughness Classification for Castings,” Pattern Recognition, Vol. 32, pp. 389-405; NSC88-2213-E-155-013. (SCI)

86.    S. M. Guu and D. M. Tsai, 1999, “Measurement of Roundness: a Nonlinear Approach,” Proc. Natl. Sci. Counc. ROC(A), Vol. 23, pp. 348-352.

87.    D. M. Tsai and C. Y. Hsieh, 1999, “Automated Surface Inspection for Directional Textures,” Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 18, pp. 49-62. (SCI)

88.    D. M. Tsai and C. T. Lin, 1998, “A Moment-Preserving Approach for Depth from Defocus,” Pattern Recognition, Vol. 31, pp. 551-560; NSC87-2212-E-155-006. (SCI)

89.    D. M. Tsai, J. J. Chen and J. F. Chen, 1998, “A Vision System for Surface Roughness Assessment Using Neural Networks,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 14, pp. 412-422; NSC87-2213-E-155-021. (SCI)

90.    D. M. Tsai and H. J. Wang, 1998, “Segmenting Focused Objects in Complex Visual Images,” Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 19, pp. 929-940. (SCI)

91.    D. M. Tsai, 1997, “Boundary-based Corner Detection Using Neural Networks,” Pattern Recognition, Vol. 31, pp. 85-97. (SCI)

92.    D. M. Tsai, and J. I. Tzeng, 1997, “Dimensional and Angular Measurements Using Least Squares and Neural Networks,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 13, pp. 55-66; NSC86-2213-E-155-003. (SCI)

93.    D. M. Tsai, 1997, “An Improved Generalized Hough Transform for the Recognition of Overlapping Objects,” Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 15, pp. 887-888; NSC84-2213-E-155-002. (SCI)

94.    D. M. Tsai and W. J. Lu, 1996, “Detecting and Locating Burrs of Industrial Parts,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 34, pp. 3187-3205; NSC82-0415-E-155-068. (SCI)

95.    D. M. Tsai, 1996, “Detecting and Locating Partially Occluded Planar Parts by Clustering,” IIE Transactions, Vol. 28, pp. 531-544; NSC82-0415-E-155-020. (SCI)

96.    D. M. Tsai and M. F. Chen, 1996, “A Fast Machine Vision Approach for Automatic Recognition of Industrial Parts,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 34, pp. 687-699. (SCI)

97.    M. C. Chen and D. M. Tsai, 1996, “A Simulated Annealing Approach for Optimization of Multi-pass Turning Operations,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 34, pp. 2803-2825. (SCI)

98.    D. M. Tsai and R. Y. Tsai, 1996, “Use Neural Networks to Determine Matching Order for Recognizing Overlapping Objects,” Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 17, pp. 1077-1088. (SCI)

99.    M. C. Chen and D. M. Tsai, 1996, “Simulation Optimization through Direct Search for Multi-Objective Manufacturing Systems,” Production Planning and Control, Vol. 17, pp. 554-565. (SCI)

100.    D. M. Tsai, 1996, “Locating Overlapping Industrial Parts for Robotic Assembly,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 12, pp. 288-302; NSC83-0415-E-155-033. (SCI)

101.    D. M. Tsai, 1995, “A Fast Thresholding Selection Procedure for Multimodal and Unimodal Histograms,” Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 16, pp. 653-666. (SCI)

102.    D. M. Tsai and M. F. Chen, 1995, “Object Recognition by a Linear Weight Classifier,” Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 16, pp. 591-600. (SCI)

103.    D. M. Tsai, 1995, “A Three-Dimensional Machine Vision Approach for Automatic Robot Programming,” Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Vol. 12, pp. 23-48; NSC80-0415-E-155-02 and NSC81-0415-E-155-07. (SCI)

104.    D. M. Tsai, E. M. Malstrom and W. Kuo, “Physical Simulation of a Three Dimensional Palletizing Heuristic,International Journal of Production Research,Vol. 32, pp. 1159-1171, 1994.

105.    D. M. Tsai and M. F. Chen, 1994“Curve Fitting Approach for Tangent Angle and Curvature Measurements,” Pattern Recognition, Vol. 27, pp. 699-711.

106.    D. M. Tsai, E. M. Malstrom and W. Kuo,“Three Dimensional Pallelization of Mixed Box Sizes,” IIE Transactions, Vol. Pp. 64-75, 1993.

107.    D. M. Tsai and M. J. Yao, 1993“A Line-Balance-Based Capacity Planning Procedure for Series-Type Robotic Assembly Line,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 31, pp. 1901-1920.

108.    D. M. Tsai and Y. H. Chen, “A Fast Histogram-Clustering Approach for Multi-level Thresholding,” Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 13, pp. 245-255, 1992.

109.    R. H. Choi, E. M. Malstrom and D. M. Tsai, 1988,“Evaluating Lot-Sizing Methods in Multilevel Inventory System by Simulation,” Production and Inventory Management Journal, Vol. 29, pp. 4-10.

110.    D. M. Tsai and E. M. Malstrom and H. D. Meeks, 1988, “A Two-Dimensional palletizing Procedure for Warehouse Loading Operations,” IIE Transactions, Vol. 20, pp. 418-425.

B.    Conference Papers
1.    Du-Ming Tsai;Shu-Kai Fan;Yi-Quan Huang;Wei-Yao Chiu, Saw-mark Defect Detection in Heterogeneous Solar Wafer Images using GAN-based Training Samples Generation and CNN Classification, VISAPP2019(14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Application), 2019/02/25

2.    Du-Ming Tsai;Hshin-Yang Tsai;Wei-Yao Chiu, Mura defect inspection in Liquid Crystal Display panels using optical flow-based motion analysis, The 20th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference(APIEMS 2019) ( 2019/12/02 )

3.    Du-Ming Tsai;Morris Fan;Yan Hsin Tseng, Defect inspection of liquid-crystal-display (LCD) panels in repetitive pattern images using 2D Fourier image reconstruction, The Fourteenth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (ICAS 2018), France(2018/05/20)

4.    Du-Ming Tsai;Morris Fan;Yan Hsin Tseng, Defect inspection of liquid-crystal-display (LCD) panels in repetitive pattern images using 2D Fourier image reconstruction,The Fourteenth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (ICAS 2018), France, 2018/05/20

5.    Du-Ming Tsai;Wan-Ling Chen;Wei-Yao ChiuSegmentation of coffee plantation area in satellite images using Fourier features, The 19th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, HK, 2018/12/05

6.    Wei-Yao Chiu;Du-Ming Tsai;Morris Fan;Ching-Hau Peng,Object detection and positioning using fast spiral search,Hong Kong 25th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2017),HongKong ( 2017/07/22 )

7.    Du-Ming Tsai;Ching-Hau Peng, Automated Visual Inspection Of Multicrystalline Solar Wafers Using Wavelet Discrimination Measure, The 18th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (2017), Indonesia(2017/12/03)

8.    Du-Ming Tsai;I-Yung Chiang;Wei-Yao Chiu,Optical-flow-based template matching for surface defect detection,International Congress on Engineering and Information (ICEAI 2016),Japan ( 2016/05/10 )

9.    Du-Ming Tsai;Wei-Yao Chiu;Tzu-Hsun Tseng,Moving object detection from a mobile robot using basis image matching,IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2015 ( 2015 /02)

10.    Du-Ming Tsai;Yi-Jun Xie;Wei-Yao Chiu,Automatic crack detection in textured metal surfaces using machine vision,The 16th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering And Management Systems Conference.,越南 ( 20151208 )

11.    Du-Ming Tsai;Tzu-Hsun Tseng;Wei-Yao Chiu,Surface defect detection in low-contrast images using basis image representation,IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications ( 2015/05 )

12.    Du-Ming Tsai;Yan-Hsin Tseng;Wei-Yao Chiu,Automatic defect inspection of TFT-LCD panels using Fourier image reconstruction,Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference 2014 ( 2014/10 )

13.    Du-Ming Tsai;Wei-Yao Chiu;Jie-Yu Luo , Automatic visual inspection of solar wafers using mean-shift techniques , ACEAIT 2014 - The Annual Conference on Engineering and Information Technology 2014(2014)

14.    Du-Ming Tsai;Wei-Yao Chiu, Dual-mode detection for foreground segmentation in low-contrast video images, VISIGRAPP2013(8th Int’l. Joint Conf. on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications)(2013)

15.    Du-Ming Tsai;Shih-Chieh Wu;Wei-Yao Chiu, Automatic visual inspection of solar modules using Independent component analysis, The 14th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Science Conference(APIEMS 2013)(2013)

16.    Du-Ming Tsai;Wei-Yao Chiu, A real-time ICA-based activity recognition in video sequences, MVA2013(IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications)(2013)

17.    Wei-Yao Chiu;Du-Ming Tsai, ICA-based Action Recognition for Human-computer Interaction in Disturbed Backgrounds, 7th International Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer graphics Theory and Applications(2012)

18.    Du-Ming Tsai;Wei-Yao Chiu;Ming-Chun Chen, A PCA-based regularity measure for surface defect inspection, The Institute of Industrial Engineers Asian Conference 2012(2012)

19.    Du-Ming Tsai;I-Yung Chiang;Hao Hsu;Wei-Yao Chiu, A Shift-tolerant Dissimilarity Measure for Surface Defect Detection, The 13th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference(2012)

20.    Wei-Chen Li;Du-Ming Tsai, Automatic Saw-Mark Detection in Multicrystalline Solar Wafer Images, The 12th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systeme Conference(2011)

21.    Du-Ming Tsai;Wei-Yao Chiu, A macro-observation approach of intelligence video surveillance for real-time unusual event detection, The 2010 International Symposium on Service, Security and its Data management technologies in Ubi-com, 201010

22.    Shin-Min Chao;Du-Ming Tsai;Wei-Chen Li;Wei-Yao Chiu, A generalized anisotropic diffusion for defect detection in low-contrast surfaces, International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 201008

23.    Shin-Min Chao;Du-Ming Tsai;Wei-Yao Chiu;Wei-Chen Li, Anisotropic diffusion-based detail-preserving smoothing for image restoration, International Conference on Image Processing, 201009

24.    李韋辰;D. M. Tsai, Defect inspection in low-contrast LCD images using Hough transform-based non-stationary line detection, Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2009), pp.12, 200912

25.    D. M. Tsai,邱威堯, A Micro-observation Approach for Real-time Unusual Event Detection in Video, The 12th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), (DEMO Session), 200909

26.    Du-Ming Tsai;蘇晏徵;邱威堯,Non-referential, self-compared shape defect inspection for PCB bond pads,The 9th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Science Conference (APIEMS),200812

27.    Shin-Min Chao;Du-Ming Tsai, Yu-His Lee;Wei-Yao Chiu;Chih-heng Fang,Anisotropic diffusion-based detail-preserving smoothing for image restoration,8th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV Workshop on Multi-dimensional and Multi-view Image Processing)

28.    Wei-Chen Li;Du-Ming Tsai, Wei-Yao Chiu;Ya-Hui Tsai,Motion detection with a moving camera for mobile robot surveillance,Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Society

29.    Chi-Jie Lu;Du-Ming Tsai, Chih-Chou Chiu;Yan-Hsin Tseng,Statistical process monitoring using independent component analysis based signal separation techniques,Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE2006),2006/12

30.    Du-Ming Tsai, Su-Ta Chuang, Yan-Hsin Tseng, 2006, “Automatic defect inspection of patterned TFT-LCD panels using Fourier image reconstruction,” The International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Application and Practice(IJIE), Nagoya, October, Japan.

31.    Shin-Min Chao;Du-Ming Tsai, Yan-Hsin Tseng;Yuan-Ruei Jhang,Defect detection in low-contrast glass substrates using anisotropic diffusion,The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR),2006/8

32.    Shin-Min Chao, Du-Ming Tsai, Yan-Hsin Tseng and Yuan-Ruei Jhang, “ Defect detection in low-contrast glass substrates using anisotropic diffusion,” The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Hong Kong, August 2006.

33.    Du-Ming Tsai, Yan-Hsin Tseng;Shin-Min Chao;Chao-Hsuan Yen,Independent component analysis based filter design for defect detection in low-contrast textured images,18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR),2006/8

34.    Du-Ming Tsai, Su-Ta Chuang;Yan-Hsin Tseng,Automatic defect inspection of patterned TFT-LCD panels using Fourier image reconstruction,The International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Application and Practice(IJIE),2006/10

35.    Du-Ming Tsai, Yan-Hsin Tseng, Shin-Min Chao and Chao-Hsuan Yen , “ Independent component analysis based filter design for defect detection in low-contrast textured images,” The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Hong Kong, August 2006.

36.    Chi-Jie Lu, Du-Ming Tsai, Chih-Chou Chiu and Yan-Hsin Tseng, “Independent component analysis based disturbance separation for statistical process control,” The 36th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE), Taipei, Taiwan, June 2006.

37.    Shin-Min Chao, Du-Ming Tsai and Ya-Hui Tsai, “Independent component analysis based motion detection for indoor surveillance,” The 36th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE), Taipei, Taiwan, June 2006.

38.    Yan-Hsin Tseng and Du-Ming Tsai, 2005, “Using Independent Component Analysis for Process Monitoring in TFT-LCD Manufacturing,” The 3rd ANQ Congress & The 19th Asia Quality Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, September 20-23.

39.    Du-Ming Tsai, Chi-Jie Lu, Ping-Chieh Lin and Yan-Hsin Tseng, 2005, “Defect detection of backlight panel surfaces using independent component analysis filering scheme,” 6th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Science Conference, Manila, Philippines.

40.    Shin-Min Chao and Du-Ming Tsai, 2005, “An anisotropic diffusion-based defect detection for backlight panels,” 6th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Science Conference, Manila, Philippines.

41.    Chi-Jie Lu and Du-Ming Tsai, 2004, “Defect Inspection of Patterned TFT-LCD Panels Usinga Fast Sub-image Based SVD,” The Fifth Asia-pacific conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, Gold Coast, Australia, December 12-15.

42.    Hsu-Nan Yen and Du-Ming Tsai, 2002, " An adaptive machine vision system for electronic components inspection,” Proceedings of IE&EM’2002 & IceCE’2002 and Enterprise Management (IE&EM’2002), RID215, 1-8, Beijing, China.

43.    Chi-Jie Lu, Du-Ming Tsai and Hsu-Nan Yen, 2002, "Automatic Defect Inspection for LCDs Using Singular Value Decomposition,” The Fourth Asia-pacific conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, December 18-22.

44.    Du-Ming Tsai and B. Hsiao, “Defect detection using wavelet reconstruction,” The 13th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, 2000.

45.    Du-Ming Tsai and Chi-Hao Yeh, “Ball Grid Array (BGA) substrate inspection by 1-D wavelet-transform,” The 5th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering – Theory, Applications and Practice, 2000.

46.    Du-Ming Tsai and S. K. Wu, “Automated surface inspection using Gabor filters,” 12th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, 1999.

C.    Patent
1.    Du-Ming Tsai;邱威堯, 行為辨識方法及系統, 蔡篤銘, 中華民國, 340931, 201104