The research results of Huang, Yu-Ching Assistant Professor are follows :

A.    Journal Papers
1.    Evidence-Based Approach and Discussion of ‘Bioceramic Resonance’ to Induce Altered States of Consciousness with Illusory Perception: Possible Application as a Complementary and Alternative Therapy. Ting-Kai Leung, Yu-Ching Huang. J Altern Complement Integr Med 6: 147.2021(SCI IF 1.8)

2.    Traumatic Carotid Cavernous Fistula Discovered Incidentally on Conventional Cerebral Angiography: Case Report. 黃玉晴(Yu-Ching Huang) ; 王韋翔(Wei-Hsing Wang) ; 李志明(Chi-Ming Lee) ; 曾秀學(Hsiu-Hsueh Tseng)醫學與健康期刊 ; 9卷2期 (2020 / 07 / 01) , P97 – 102

3.    低教育程度失智及巴金森氏病患者的認知功能障礙研究—資料庫調查與動物實驗. Studies in Less Educated Dementia and Cognitive Impairment of Parkinson’s Disease- Biobank Research and Animal Experiment.2017-June- 9.

4.    Galangin ameliorates cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity by attenuating oxidative stress, inflammation and cell death in mice through inhibition of ERK and NF-kappaB signaling. Yu-Ching Huang, Ming-Shiun Tsai, Pei-Chi Hsieh, Jheng-Hong Shih, Tsu-Shing Wang, Yi-Chun Wang, Ting-Hui Lin Sue-Hong Wang. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology Volume 329, 15 August 2017, Pages 128-139(SCI IF 4.21)

5.    Prevalence and Risk Factors of Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson Disease. A Population-Based Case–Control Study in Taiwan. Yu-Ching Huang, MD, Shwu-Tzy Wu, PhD, Juei-Jueng Lin, MD, Che-Chen Lin, MSc, and Chia-Hung Kao, MD, Medicine 94(17):e782, 2015(SCI IF 5.723)

6.    Brain Metabolism of Less-Educated Patients With Alzheimer Dementia Studied by Positron Emission Tomography. Yu Ching Huang, MD, Pao Sheng Yen, MD, Shwu Tzy Wu, PhD, Jung Tai Chen, MD, Gung Uei Hung, MD, Chia Hung Kao, MD, Tai Yee Chen, MD, Medicine 94(30):e1252, 2015(SCI IF 5.723)

B.    Conference Papers
1.    Neuroimaging Studies in Action Type Tremor. Yu-Ching, Sheng-Min Huang, Nan-Hao Chen, Ting-Kai Leung, Li-Wei Kuo. 2023 ITCN&AMTNS

2.    Central Nervous System (CNS) Involvement In A Patient With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). Yu-Ching Huang MD, PhD; Chi-ming Lee MD, PhD. Poster. 2021 Asian Oceanian Congress of Neurology.

3.    Traumatic Carotid Cavernous Fistula Discovered Incidentally on Conventional Cerebral Angiography. Yu-Ching Huang, Shih-Min Lee. 2019年台灣腦中風年會.

4.    Seizure attack caused by Cerebral venous thrombosis post facial lift and liposuction surgery. Yu-Ching Huang, Shih-Min Lee. 2018年神經醫學聯合國際學術研討會.

5.    The benefits of long-term exercise in reduction of aging-caused oxidative stress in cortex and hippocampus miRNA expression. Yu-Ching Huang, Shu-Tzy Wu , Ming-Wei Chao, Chia-Yi Tseng. Poster. 2017年台灣神經醫學聯合國際學術研討會

6.    The benefits of long-term exercise in regulation of melatonin secretion. Yu-Ching Huang, Shu-Tzy Wu , Ming-Wei Chao, Chia-Yi Tseng. Poster. 2017年台灣睡眠醫學年會暨學術研討會.

7.    Influence of exercise on the cortical and hippocampal express by neuronal morphology in cortex and hippocampus. Yu-Ching Huang, Shu-Tzy Wu , Ming-Wei Chao, Chia-Yi Tseng. Poster. 2016年台灣神經醫學聯合國際學術研討會

8.    Early Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson Disease Is Not Rare: A Taiwanese Population-Based Case-control Study. Poster. TIC-PDMD 2015

9.    Brain Metabolism of Less Educated Patients with Alzheimer’s Dementia Studied by Positron Emission Tomography. Poster. The 5th East Asia Neurology Forum (EANF) and 19th Taiwan Neurological Society Congress 2014

10.    The role of 3, 5-dimethylaniline induced oxidative damage in Dendrite patterning in developing neurons. Yu-Ching Huang, Jia-Ming Jeng, Ming-Wei Chao, Chia-Yi Tseng. Poster: Neuroscience. 2013

11.    FDG-PET Study on Dementia of Alzheimer’s Type of Less Educated Subjects. Yu-Ching Huang, Shwu Tzy Wu. Poster. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2011

12.    DTI Quantitative Study on Medial Temporal Lobe of Alzheimer’s disease. Yu-Ching Huang, Shwu Tzy Wu. Poster. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2011

13.    The Role of Polysomnography Assessment as Sleep Disorder Measure in Alzheimer's Disease.poster. Yu-Ching Huang, Cheng-Yu Wei. APSS 2010.

14.    The Job Satisfaction is Also Influenced by Cardiac Autonomic Nerves Function.工作滿意度會被心臟自律神經功能影響. 黃玉晴, 魏誠佑, 關國宏. 2009年神經醫學聯合學術研討會

15.    The correlation of personality and cardiac autonomic nerve’s function. Yu-Ching Huang. Oral present. 2009 Word Congress of Neurology

16.    Listeria Meningitis in a Patient with Regular Vital Diet and Proton Pump Inhibitor. Yu-Ching Huang, Kung-Huang, Lin. 2008年神經醫學聯合學術研討會(優秀壁報論文獎)

17.    Blood Pressure and Vascular Cognition Impairment after First-ever Ischemic Stroke; 急性缺血性中風後的血壓與血管性認知功能障礙. 黃玉晴,葉守正. 2006年台灣腦中風國際研討會

C.    Rewards
1.    111 Annual Excellent Physician of Taoyuan City .

2.    Excellent Teacher of the Group Lead Teacher of theFourth-Year Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Integration Course of of Medicine, Yang-Ming University 2016-2017;

3.    Excellent Poster Paper Award: Listeria Meningitis in a Patient with Regular Vital Diet and Proton Pump Inhibitor. 2008 Neuromedicine Joint Symposium.

D.    Patent
1.    Patent No.: I737366, Risk Assessment Method for Benign Tremors, 2021-08-21~2040-06-23.