The research results of Sun, Tien-Lung Professor are follows :

A.    Journal Papers
1.    Lisha Yu;Yang Zhao;Hailiang Wang;Tien-Lung Sun;Terrence E. Murphy;Kwok‑Leung Tsui,Assessing elderly''''s functional balance and mobility via analyzing data from waist-mounted tri-axial wearable accelerometers in timed up and go tests,BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, Vol. 21, pp 108-1~108-14 ( 2021/03 )

2.    Tomas Mendoza;Chia-Hsuan Lee;Chien-Hua Huang;Tien-Lung Sun,Random Forest for Automatic Feature Importance Estimation and Selection for Explainable Postural Stability of a Multi-Factor Clinical Test,Sensors, Vol. 21, pp 5930~NA ( 2021/09 )

3.    Ita Daryanti Saragih;Santo Imanuel Tonapa;Tien-Lung Sun;Lin Chia-Ju;Bih-O Lee PhD,Effects of robotic care interventions for dementia care: A systematic review and meta-analysis randomised controlled trials,Journal of Clinical Nursing, Vol. 30, pp 3139~3152 ( 2021/11 )

4.    Shih-Hai Chen;Chia-Hsuan Lee;Bernard C. Jiang;Tien-Lung Sun,Using a stacked autoencoder for mobility and fall risk assessment via time–frequency representations of the timed up and go test,Frontiers in Physiology, Vol. 12, pp 1~9 ( 2021/05 )

5.    Tien-Lung Sun;Chia-Hsuan Lee;CHUNG LIANG LAI;BERNARD C. JIANG, Correlating common clinical postural stability measurements with balance assessments, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, Vol.20, No.1, pp 1950067-1~1950067-21( 2020/02 )

6.    Yu-Cheng Hsu;Yang Zhao;Kuang-Hui Huang;Ya-Ting Wu;Javier Cabrera;Tien-Lung Sun;Kwok-Leung Tsui,A Novel Approach for Fall Risk Prediction Using the Inertial Sensor Data from the Timed-Up-and-Go Test in a Community Setting,IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 20, pp 9339~9350 ( 2020/08 )

7.    Chia-Hsuan Lee;Shih-Hai Chen;Bernard C. Jiang;Tien-Lung Sun,Estimating Postural Stability Using Improved Permutation Entropy via TUG Accelerometer Data for Community-Dwelling Elderly People,Entropy, Vol. 22, pp 1097-1~15 ( 2020/10 )

8.    Chia-Hsuan Lee;Chi-Han Wu;Bernard C. Jiang;Tien-Lung Sun,Exploration of Fall-Evaluation Scores Using Clinical Tools with the Short-Form Berg Balance Scale and Timed Up and Go and Motion Detection Sensors,Applied Sciences-Basel, Vol. 10, pp 6931-1~15 ( 2020/10 )

9.    Tien-Lung Sun;Chien-Hua Huang, Interactive visualization to assist fall risk assessment of community-dwelling elderly people, Information Visualization, Vo18, No.1, pp33~44(2019/01)

10.    Chi-Han Wu;Chia-Hsuan Lee;Bernard C. Jiang;Tien-Lung Sun, Multiscale entropy analysis of postural stability for estimating fall risk via domain knowledge of timed-up-and-go accelerometer data for elderly people living in a community, Entropy, Vol.21, No.11, pp 1076-1~1076-15( 2019/11 )

11.    Chia-Hsuan Lee;Tien-Lung Sun, Evaluation of postural stability based on a force plate and inertial sensor during static balance measurements, Journal of Physiological Anthropology, Vol.37, No.27, pp1~16(2018/12)

12.    Tien-Lung Sun;Kuo-Hung Lo;Juei-Chao Chen,An accurate updating formula to calculate sample variance from weighted successive differences,Statistics and Probability Letters, Vol. 114, pp 14~19 ( 2016/07 )

13.    Chia-Hsuan Lee;Tien-Lung Sun;Bernard C. Jiang;Victor Ham Choi,Using Wearable Accelerometers in a Community Service Context to Categorize Falling Behavior,Entropy, Vol. 18 , No. 7, pp 1/14~14/14 ( 2016/07 )

14.    Huang, C. H.;Pei, C.;Tien-Lung Sun,Influence of the perspectives on the movement of one-leg lifting in an interactive-visual virtual environment: a pilot study,PLOS ONE, Vol. 11, pp e0163247~e0163247 ( 2016/09 )

15.    Chiuhsiang Joe Lin;Hung-Jen Chen;Ping-Yun Cheng;Tien-Lung Sun,Effects of displays on visually-controlled task performance in three dimension virtual reality environment,Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and Service Industries, Vol. 25 , No. 5, pp 523~533 ( 2015/09 )

16.    Chia-Hsuan Lee;Tien-Lung Sun,Multi-scale entropy analysis of body sway for investigating balance ability during exergame play under different parameter settings,Entropy, Vol. 17 , No. 11, pp 7608~7627 ( 2015/11 )

17.    2. Lee, C. H.;Chin Mei Chou;Tien-Lung Sun,Evaluating Presence for Customer Experience in a Virtual Environment: Using a Nuclear Power Plant as an Example,Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and Service Industries, Vol. 25 , No. 4 , pp 484~499 ( 2015/07 )

18.    Lo, K. H.;Tien-Lung Sun;Chen, J. C.,A Unified Weight Formula for Calculating the Sample Variance from Weighted Successive Differences,Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Vol. 2014 , pp 1~4 ( 2014/08 )

19.    Tien-Lung Sun;Lee, C. H., An Impact Study of the Design of Exergaming Parameters on Body Intensity from Objective and Gameplay-Based Player Experience Perspectives, Based on Balance Training ExergamePLOS ONE, 8, pp. 1~14(2013)

20.    Chung-Liang Lai;Shiuan-Yu Tseng;Chien-Hua Huang;Chun Pei;Wei-Min Chi;Liang-Ching Hsu,;Tien-Lung Sun, 'Fun and accurate static balance training and evaluation to enhance fall prevention ability of aged adults', Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and Service Industries, Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 517~527(2013/10)

21.    Jia-Syuan Lee;Chinmei Chou;Tien-Lung Sun, Dynamic virtual environment to explore the sense of presenceThe 3rd IEEE International Conference on Information Science and Engineering (ICISE2011)(ISBN:978-1-61284-871-6), 8, pp. 5257~5260(2011)

22.    Tien-Lung Sun,Petri Net-based VR model interactive behavior specification and control for maintaining training,International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing,22(2),pp.129–137,200902

23.    Sun, T. L., (2008) Petri Net-based VR model interactive behavior specification and control for maintaining training. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, in press. (SCI) (NSC 95-2221-E-155-003-MY3)

24.    Sun, T. L., (2007) Structured metadata for representation, query and retrieval of behaviour models of virtual products. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 20(6), September 2007 , 567 – 578. (SCI) (NSC 93-2622-E-155-002-CC3)

25.    Sun, T. L. and Liao, Y.S. (2006) Metadata of behavior models to support fast construction of virtual products, Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, 27(1), January 2006, 69-74 (EI) (NSC 93-2622-E-155-002-CC3).

26.    Sun, T. L., Chiang, T. H., (2005) Supporting customer-company interaction in product customization using a web-based collaborative VR environment, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 22(3), May 2005, 235-242. (EI) (NSC 92-2622-E-155-

27.    Sun, T. L., (2004) Conics-enhanced vision approach for easy and low-cost 3D tracking, Pattern Recognition, 37(7), July, 2004, 1441-1450 (SCI).

28.    Sun, T. L. (2003), An icon-based data image construction method for production data visualization, Production Planning & Control, 14(3), 290-303. (SCI) (NSC 90-2218-E-155-014)

29.    Sun, T. L. and Tsai, C. C., (2003), Analysis of LPC data for wafer yield improvement using a combined data mining and visualization technique, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 2(2), 208-214 (NSC 90-2218-E-155-014).

30.    Sun, T. L. and Kuo, W. L. (2002), Visual exploration of production data using small multiples design with non-uniform color mapping, Journal of Computers & Industrial Engineering, 43(4), 751-764. (SCI) (NSC 88-2213-E-155-009, NSC 89-2213-155-009)

31.    Sun, T. L., (2000), Shape similarity assessment of polyhedral parts based on boundary models, International Journal of Production Research, 38(18), 4655-4670. (SCI)

32.    Su, C. J. and Sun, T. L., (1998) A Knowledge Based Semantics Recovery module for Mechanical Engineering Drawings, Special issue on Automated Part and Process Design, Journal of Engineering Design and Automation, 4 (2), Summer 1998, 113-123.

33.    Su, C. J., Sun, T. L., Wu, C. N., and Mayer, R. J., (1995), An integrated form feature based design system for manufacturing, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 6(5), 277-290. (SCI)

34.    Mayer, R. J., Su, C. J., Sun, T. L., and Wysk, R. A., (1994), ECTOF: A feature representation technique for concurrent engineering applications”, Journal of Design and Manufacturing, 4, 153-166.

35.    Su, C. J., Mayer, R. J., Sun, T. L., and Wysk, R. A., (1994), A three phase method for feature interaction resolution”, Journal of Design and Manufacturing, 4, 49-65.

B.    Conference Papers
1.    Chia-Hsuan Lee;Chi-Han Wu;Bih-O Lee;Tien-Lung Sun,Visual Exploration of Fall-Risk Evaluation Scores using Clinical Tools and MotionDetection Sensors,, 18-20 March 2021, Penghu, Taiwan.,The 5th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia, ( 2021/03/18 )

2.    Chia Hsuan Lee;Tien-Lung Sun;Diana Eloisa Roa Flo;Bernard C. Jiang, Applying Random Forest Method to Analyze Elderly Fitness Training Routine Data, The 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration (IHSI 2019), 2019/02/07

3.    Tien-Lung Sun;Chia-Hsuan Lee;Chien-Hua HUANG, Fall risk evaluation of community-dwelling elderly using inertial sensor and 3M TUG test, 50th Nordic Ergonomics and Human Factors Society Conference (NES 2019) ( 2019/08/25 )

4.    Tien-Lung Sun;Yi-Xiang Chen;Norman Lin, Abnormal activity recognition from surviellence camera using deep learning for worker compliance monitoring, The 4th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence & Ergonomics in Asia (AmI&E 2019) ( 2019/10/04 )

5.    Hao Huang;Chor-Kheng Lim;Tien-Lung Sun;Chin Mei Chou;I-chun Liu, Evaluation of Elderly Gaming Devices Using OpenPose, The 4th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence & Ergonomics in Asia (AmI&E 2019) ( 2019/10/04 )

6.    Chang, Y. L.;Chor-Kheng Lim;Chin Mei Chou;Hao Huang;Tien-Lung Sun;I-chun Liu, Using Facial Emotion Recognition to Observe the Emotional Changes of the Elderly Playing the Pillow Type Device, The 20th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems (APIEMS 2019) ( 2019/12/02 )

7.    Tien-Lung Sun;Mendoza, T.;Huang, C. H.;Lee, C.H.;Ham Choi, V., Elderly Fall Risk Evaluation through Deep Learning of Inertial Sensor Data Collected from 3M TUG Test, 2nd International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics (ICMHI 2018), Japan, 2018/06/08

8.    Tomas Mendoza;Tien-Lung Sun, Elderly fall-risk prediction study from inertial sensor time series data using deep learning algorithms, The 19th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, HK, 2018/12/05

9.    Miranda, G. A.;Tien-Lung Sun,Performance Analysis on Fitness Equipment: Application of an Inertial Sensor Toward Quality of Life,The 4th International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing,Bologna, Italy ( 2017/04/26 )

10.    Lee, C.H.;Lee, C.Y.;Tien-Lung Sun, Analysis of Motion-Sensor Data by Circuit Training for a Health Promotion Campaign, The 3rd International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia, Kyoto, Japan(2017/08/21)

11.    Wu, C. H.;Chen, S. H.;Tien-Lung Sun, Data Analysis of Exercise Performance in Fitting Equipment by Motion Sensor, The 3rd International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia, Kyoto, Japan(2017/08/21)

12.    Chen, S. H.;Wu, C. H.;Tien-Lung Sun, Data Analysis of Feature Extraction for Characterizing Exercise Performance by Motion Sensor, The 3rd International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia, Kyoto, Japan(2017/08/21)

13.    Tien-Lung Sun;Mendoza, T.;Huang, C. H.;Lee, C.H.;Ham Choi, V., Elderly Fall Risk Evaluation through Deep Learning of Inertial Sensor Data Collected from 3M TUG Test, 2nd International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics (ICMHI 2018), 日本(2018/06/08)

14.    Tien-Lung Sun;Lee, C.H.;Miranda, G. A.;Chen, S. H.;Wu, C. H.;Hung, D. M.;Huang, C. H.;Pei, C., Inertial Sensor Enabled TUG Data Collection for Elderly Balance Assessment, The 3rd International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia, Kyoto, Japan(2017/08/21)

15.    Tien-Lung Sun;Miranda, G. A.,Sustainable Data Collection Framework: Real-Time, Online Data Visualization,The 4th International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing,Bologna, Italy ( 2017/04/26 )

16.    Huang, C.H.;Tien-Lung Sun,Interactive visualization to support fall risk assessment for community-dwelling elderly,The 17th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference APIEM 2016, ( 2016/12/07 )

17.    Tien-Lung Sun,Understanding elderly’s personal differences in participating health-promotion exercise through motion data collection and analysis,The 6th International Symposium in Computational Medical and Health Technology, ( 2016/09/05 )

18.    Tien-Lung Sun;Da-Ming Hung,Visualization of game interaction data to support more effective elderly Kinect exergaming,The 16th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference APIEM 2015,Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ( 20151208 )

19.    Tien-Lung Sun;Hung, T.M.;Chen, J.C.;Lo, K.H.;Pei, C.;Huang, C.H.,Mean/variance based gameplay data exploration for player experience evaluation to increase adherence of Kinect-game based rehabilitaiton exercises at long-term care services,The 4th International Symposium in Computational Medical and Health Technology ( 2014/09 )

20.    Tien-Lung Sun;Huang, C.H.;Pei, C.;Hung, T.M., Comparison of somatosensory gaming (SG) based rehabilitation exercise programs at elderly nursing homes, The 9th World Conference of Gerontechnology (ISG 2014)(2014)

21.    Tien-Lung Sun;Lee, C.H.;Hunag, C.H., Evaluation of somatosensory gaming for one-leg lifting training to improve balance, The 9th World Conference of Gerontechnology (ISG 2014)(2014)

22.    Huang, C.H.;Tien-Lung Sun, Effects of virtual scene parameters on shoulder joint motor performance during throwing movement, The 4th International Conference on Healthcare Systems, Ergonomics and Patient Safety (HEPS 2014)(2014)

23.    Tien-Lung Sun;Huang, C.H.;Pei, C.;Hung, T.M., Using gameplay metrics analysis to evaluate the acceptance of Kinect game enhanced home-based rehabilitation service programs, The 1st Asian Conference on Ergonomics and Design(2014)

24.    Tien-Lung Sun;Hung, T.M.;Huang, C.H., Using game-play metrics to analyze user experience of playing health-promoted somatosensory video game at elderly nursing center, The 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics AHFE 2014(2014)

25.    Tien-Lung Sun;Liu, P. J., Innovative long-distance interaction between elderly and their beloved young kids using a Kinect-based exercise game, 4th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2012)(2012)

26.    Tien-Lung Sun;Huang, Chien-Hua;Yang, Wen-Lin, Design and development of Kinect-based exergame for balance control training, The 11th International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS 2012)(2012)

27.    Tien-Lung Sun;Liu, Pin-Ju;Pei, Chun, Kinect-based long-distance avatar interaction platform to support elderly care, International Conference on Innovative Design and Manufacturing(2012)

28.    Chun Y.Lee;Chinmei Chou;Tien-Lung Sun, An evaluation from presence perspective of customer experiences in virtual environments, The 2nd East Asian Erogonomics Federation Symposium (ISBN:978-986-02-9255-8)(2011)

29.    Chun Y. Lee;Chinmei Chou;Tien-Lung Sun, 3D Virtual Reality Application Adaptabolity for Operation Training - A case Study of Military Education, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 58 2011 (pISSN:2010-376X, eISSN:20103778)(2011)

30.    Ta-Min Hung;Tien-Lung Sun, Investigating Mental Workload of VR Training versus Serious Game Training on Shoot Operation Training, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology(2011)

31.    Feng, W. Y., Chao, C. J., Tseng, F. Y., Sun, T. L.(2010), Systematic and structured development of human-included ve to support virtual ergonomic evaluation, 1st International Conference on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare, 17-20 July 2010, Miami, U.S.A., 201007

32.    Sun, T. L.(2009), Rapid construction of 3D visualization to support communication of custom design of actuator control scheme, The 2nd International Symposium on Digital Manufacturing (ISDM 2009), Wuhan University of Technology, China, 9-11 September, 200909

33.    Sun, T. L., Hsieh, P.H., Huang, T.W., Feng, W.Y., Chao, C.J. (2009), A Three-Level Petri Net to Support VR-based Interactive Maintenance Procedure Training, Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS 2009), 19-23 September 2009, Bordeaux, France, 200909

34.    Sun, T. L., Chung, P.Y., Lee, P.S.(2010), Rapid interaction specification in DHM-included VE to support virtual design ergonomic evaluation, 6th International Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology (DET 2009), 14-16 December 2009, Hong Kong, 200912

35.    Lin, C. J., Sun, T. L., Chen, H. J. and Cheng, P. Y.(2009) Evaluation of visually-controlled task performance in three dimension virtual reality environment, R. Shumaker (Ed.): Virtual and Mixed Reality, LNCS 5622, pp. 465–471, 2009. (3rd International Conference on Virtual and Mixed Reality, VMR 2009. Held as Part of HCI International 2009, 19-24 July , 2009, San Diego, CA.) (EI)

36.    Sun, T.L. , Shiao, W.C. (蕭汶企) and Kuo, W.L. (郭玟琳) (2008) Petri-net based interactive behavior specification and control to support virtual maintaining trainin, The 3rd IASTED International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (IASTED-HCI 2008), Innsbr

37.    Sun, T.L., Shiao, W.C. (蕭汶企), and Kuo, W.L.(郭玟琳) (2007) DCG-based dynamic-content VR model to support 3D, interactive maintenance training, The 8th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System and 2007 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers

38.    Sun, T.L., Feng, W.Y. and Chao, C.J. (2007), Dynamic generation of human-populated VR models for workspace ergonomic evaluation, 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International 2007), Bejing, China, July 22-27 (NSC 95-222

39.    Tien-Lung Sun, Structured metadata for representation, query and retrieval of behaviour models of virtual products,International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing,20(6),pp.567-578,200709

40.    羅國弘;Tien-Lung Sun, ;陳瑞照,A Research on Accuracy and Updating CSS Computation,International Conference on Multiple Decision Theory, Statistical Inference and Applications,2007.

41.    Sun, T.L. , Shiao, W.C. (蕭汶企) and Kuo, W.L. (郭玟琳), DCG-based dynamic-content VR model to support 3D, interactive maintenance training,The 8th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System and 2007 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Conference (APIEM & CIIE 2007)

42.    Sun, T. L. and Chang, Y. L. (2006), Simplified Animation Circuit for Metadata-based Behavior Model Query and Retrieval, ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology VRST 2006, Cyprus, November 1-3 (NSC 94-2213-E-155-019).

43.    Kuo, W. L. and Sun, T. L. (2006), VR-based dynamic product animation generation to support long-distance, interactive communication, The 11th International Conference on Industrial engineering (IJIE 2006), Nagoya, Japan, October 24-27.

44.    Sun, T. L. (2006), Design and development of dynamic VR model for visualization of ATO products, INFORMS 2006 International Conference, Hong Kong, June 25-28. (NSC 94-2213-E-155-018).

45.    Kuo, W. L. and Sun, T. L. (2006), A dynamically managed VR model for rapid and flexible generation of product assembly/disassembly animations, The 36th International Conference on Computers and Inudstrial Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, June 20-23. (NSC 94-2

46.    Sun, T. L. and Huang, Y. W. (2005), Dynamically-generated virtual products for interactive 3d visualization of product customization, 1st International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Bali, December 15-17. (NSC 93-2622-E-155-002-CC3

47.    Sun, T. L. and Liao, Y. S. (2005), Metadata of behavior models to support fast construction of virtual products, ICAM2005: 2005 International Conference on Advanced Manufacture, Taipei, Taiwan, November 28-29. (NSC 93-2622-E-155-002-CC3)

C.    Books & Others
1.    Su, C.J. and Sun, T. L. (1998) Computer-Aided Tolerance Analysis. In B. Wang (ed), Concurrent Design of Products, Manufacturing Processes and Systems (Gordon and Breach Publishers), chapter 4

D.    Others
1.    Chun Y. Lee;Chin Mei Chou;Tien-Lung Sun, An evaluation from presence perspective of customer experiences in virtual environments, Ergonomics in Asia: Development, Opportunities and Challenges (ISBN:978-0-415-68414-9(Hbk),ISBN:978-0-203-11999-0(eBook))(2012)