The research results of Chen, Yu-Tzu Assistant Professor are follows :

A.    Journal Papers
1.    Yu-Tzu Chen, and Luh-Maan Chang, “Paving for the Future- Precast Prestressed Concrete Pavement”, Scientific Cooperation Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol.1, Issue. 1, August, 2015, pp.7-12

B.    Conference Papers
1.    Yu-Tzu Chen, and Luh-Maan Chang, “An Automated Data Collection Mechanism for On-site Constructing Project Management”, The 26th Symposium on Construction Engineering and Management International Conference (SCEM2022), July 22, 2022

2.    Pavement Construction," Proceedings of the ninth Asia Pacific Transportation Development Conference, The Transportation & Development Institute (T&DI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers and International Chinese Transportation Professionals Association, June 29–July 1, 2012, Chongqing, China, p 616-623 (EI)

3.    Yu-Tzu Chen and Luh-Maan Chang, "Utilization of RFID in Construction Productivity Evaluation", 2010 FIATECH Technology Conference & Showcase: Enhancing Capital Asset Value through Leading Technologies and Delivery Processes, March 29-31,2010, Austin, Texas

4.    Yu-Tzu Chen and Mary Ann Hallenborg, "Utilizing RFID and GPS on Construction Projects to Avoid Legal Liability for Delay" Drexel 2010 Research Day, April 15,2010, Philadelphia, PA

5.    Luh-Maan Chang, and Yu-Tzu Chen, “Sustainable the Precast Concrete Pavement, The Proceedings of the 4th Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian Regain (4th CECAR), Taipei Taiwan, 25-28 June, 2007,CD

6.    Luh-Maan Chang, Yu-Tzu Chen, “Sustainable Precast Concrete Pavement.” Transportation Research Board 86th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 21-January 25, 2007

7.    Luh-Maan Chang and Yu-Tzu Chen, “Sustainable Precast Concrete Highway,” The Proceedings of Sustain the Development of Civil Engineering in Developing Countries, Problem of Rapid Urbanization, Ulaan baatar, Mngolia, 16 June 2006, PP109-119

C.    Books & Others
1.    Luh-Maan Chang, Yu-Tzu Chen, Sangwook Lee, Using Precast Concrete Panels for Pavement Construction in Indiana, INDOT, Project No. C-36-46X, December, 2004