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Department of Industrial Engineering and Management

Industrial Engineering and Management (IE & M) is concerned with application of diverse engineering principles and management techniques to the design, improvement and maintenance of a high level of productivity for both manufacturing and service industries. It concerns with the integration of human, materials, equipment, energy and finance into productive systems. The current development of IE & M further emphasizes on the integration of computer, information, and state-of-the-art technologies to operate complex systems in the requirements of quick-response and diverse environments.

Industrial engineers require broad knowledge and skill in both engineering and management including mathematics, statistics, computer science and social science. Adopting the market-driven strategy, the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management at Yuan-Ze University emphasizes the courses and the researches in the following areas:

1.High-tech and value-added manufacturing industry:

The courses include “6σProcess Management”, “Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes”, “CAD/CAM”, “Automatic Visual Inspection”, “Computer- Integrated Manufacturing”, “3D Visual Simulation and Virtual Reality”, etc. The research direction is to apply industrial engineering techniques into high-tech industries so as to improve the manufacturing process and ultimately to achieve the goals of quality, cost, delivery, and throughput.

2.Service industry:

The courses include “Design of Service Industries”, “Performance Measure of Service Industries”, “Logistics and Distribution”, “Data Mining”, “Management Information Systems”, “e-Commerce”, “Global Logistics”, etc. In the field of research, the objective is to apply industrial engineering techniques into service industries so as to improve the operation process of enterprises, and eventually achieve full utilization of knowledge management.

Either undergraduate or graduate students can select one of the two main areas according to their individual preferences in accordance with their career plans. Graduates can contribute what they have learned to the industries as soon as they finish school education.

In the area of manufacturing industry, the Department basically concentrates on process rationalization and automation systems. In addition, the on-line monitoring and automated control of Printed Circuit Board (PCB) process is a new area for the industry-oriented research of the department. Taoyuan County, at which the Yuan-Ze University is located, is the largest PCB production area in Taiwan. More than two thirds of Taiwan’s PCB exports is produced in this area. Some selected research projects completed in this Department are listed below:

Ⅰ.National Science Council consolidated project (5 Years) -

Concurrent Engineering in Computer Integrated Design / Process Planning / Manufacturing Process

Ⅱ.National Science Council consolidated project (3 Years) -

A Study on Soft-Computing and Its Applications in Manufacturing and Service Industry

Ⅲ.National Science Council consolidated project (3 Years) -

A Study on Process Planning and Automatic Inspection for PCB Industry (Phase I from 1999 to 2002)

Ⅳ.National Science Council consolidated project (3 Years) -

PCB Advanced Manufacturing System with Integrated, Intelligent Process Planning and Quality Control (Phase II from 2002 to 2005)


Packaging Line Rationalization and Its System Simulation

Ⅵ.Asia Cement Cop. -

A Capability Improvement Study on the Roller / Cement Grinder System

In the area of service industry, the Department mainly focuses on the development of information technologies and global logistics systems for local industries and enterprises in recent years. Other main research items include material management, TQM development and e-government. The representative projects we have carried out include the following:

Ⅰ.National Space Program Office -

The Development of Text / Graphics Integration System, Information Support Management System

Ⅱ.National Science Council Consolidated Project (3 years) -

Performance Appraisal Theory and Application for Service Industry

Ⅲ.Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs -

Automatic Scheduling and Material Management Computerization for Metal Products Manufacturers

Ⅳ.Far Eastern Department Stores Co., Ltd. -

A Competitive Analysis for Retail Industry in Taiwan

Ⅴ.Tao-Yuan Nursing Home -

Implementation of Total Quality Management

Ⅵ.Implementation of Total Quality Management

Implementation of Total Quality Management

Ⅶ.Research, Development & Evaluation Council, Executive Yuan Taipei Municipal Government; Tao-Yuan Municipal Government; Hsin-Chu Municipal Government -

Customer-Oriented E-government System Design and Evaluation

Ⅷ.Committee of Government Reinventing of President Office -

Government Reinventing - Public Service Process Redesign

Global Logistic has been a main focus of the department. We have formed a research team and built a new lab for the development of global logistics systems. The research areas include Enterprise Resource Planning, Supply Chain Management (SCM), multi-site inventory control & distribution, quick response system and the IT support for the global logistics systems. We will also strengthen the cooperation with other research institutes such as the IE department at Jiao-Tong University, Shanghi, China and the MS&E department at Stanford University, San Francisco, USA to expand the research.

The Department offers the B.S., M.S. and Ph.D degrees in Industrial Engineering and Management. Interdisciplinary programs such as Semiconductor Manufacturing, Supply Chain Management and Industrial Safety are also available for undergraduate students. Currently, the department has approximately 480 undergraduate students, 90 full-time and 80 part-time graduate students in master programs, and 30 doctoral students.