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Faculty intro.

Chen, Chi-KuangProfessor(Executive Yuan National Quality Award Individual Award )
Office Room2617R, Ext.2528
Personal Website(none)
1996Ph.D. in Decision Science/Operation Research, Industrial Engineering, University of Wisconsin at Madison,
1986M.S. in Industrial Engineering, National Tsin-Hwa University, Taiwan
1981B.A., in Communication Engineering, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan
2023.01-PresentDirector, Center of Institutional Research, Yuan Ze University
2023.01-PresentCounselor of University Affairs, YuanZe University
2008.8-2012.7Chief of Personnel Office
2007.2-PresentProfessor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Yuan-Ze University,Taiwan, R.O.C.
1999-2007.1Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Yuan-Ze University,Taiwan, R.O.C.
1996-1999Chief of Staff, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
1989-1992Instructor, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
1988.8-1989.7Engineer, Bureau of Industry, Minister of Economics, ROC
1987-1988Instructor, National Hsin-Hwa University, Taiwan
Research & Interests
Business Excellence Management
Total Quality Management
Service System Management
Business Process Reengineering
Behavioral Decision Analysis
Group Decision Analysis
Publications and Awards
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