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Faculty intro.

Chou, Chin-MeiAssociate Professor
Office Room2615R, Ext.2527
Lab. Human Factors & Design Lab
Personal Website(none)
2004-2009Ph.D. in Department of Environmental Ergonomics, Graduate School of Design, Kyushu University, Japan
2003-2005M.S. in Department of Environmental Ergonomics, Graduate School of Design, Kyushu University, Japan
1997-2000B.S. in Industrial Engineering & Management, Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan
2017/02-PresentAssociate Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Yuan-Ze University,Taiwan, R.O.C.
2011/08– 2017/01Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Yuan-Ze University,Taiwan, R.O.C.
2010/08–2011/07Guest Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Yuan-Ze University,Taiwan, R.O.C.
Research & Interests
Environment Ergonomics Design
Applied Ergonomics Design
Ergonomics Applied in Protective Clothing Design
Kansei Engineering and Physiological Anthropology
Universal Design
Publications and Awards
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