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General Regulations


(1) All students must complete a minimum of 24 credits in 8 courses and 6 credits in thesis. Students also need to take 2 semesters of Mandarin course in the first academic year, which credits won’t count in graduation credits but grades will be calculated into your GPA.

(2) Students can take maximum of 3 graduate courses in other departments, but other 5 courses must be completed in IEM department. For any student with non-industrial engineering undergraduate background, you must take one extra undergraduate course of “Production Planning and Control”.

(3) Any student unable to attend classes or participate in required activities, an authorized leave of absence must be requested according to the university regulations.

(4) Please acquire mutual agreement from instructor before you enroll his/her course if the course is not taught by English.

2.Thesis and Graduation

(1) We suggest you to choose your advisor in the first semester, but no later than the end of the first academic year to avoid jeopardizing your graduation.

(2) Students have to finish thesis final defense with advisor’s approval and complete all essential processes (including regulations of Ministry of Education, YZU, IEM department and Laboratory) for graduation.


(1) School usually arranges two to four graduate students of the same gender to live in the same dormitory room as much as possible, but it is subject to change according to school policy. It is mandatory to follow all the dormitory rules of YZU (including dormitory rules, academic performance, life behavior, department requirement and laboratory regulations), or you will be punished or loss student status if your conduct violates any of these rules.

(2) School provides dormitory space for students according to your admission agreement, and students have to pay utility bills (electricity, water or/and gas) divided among your floormates.


To avoid any record delinquency, every semester, you must remember to check with the responsible staff or PM.

Such records may affect your current/future evaluation among other scholarship recipients.


With your mutual respect and politeness toward our professors, staffs and classmates of IEM department, they are very glad to help you or give you some suggestions when you have any problems. However please keep in mind that you are fully obligated to perform all your requirements with your own efforts in order to complete your assignment and obtain your degree with professors’ approvals.

6.Scholarship status

We will re-evaluate your scholarship status for every new coming semester according to your current academic and research performance. Your scholarship status could be suspended or terminated on account of any of the following behaviors:

(1) Your semester academic grade is lower than 75 and semester conduct grade is lower than 80(on a scale of 100.)

(2) Your misconduct violates any one of university or department regulations.

(3) Lack of any academic or research performance in a semester.

(4) Doctoral students without an approved advisor starting 3rd academic year and graduate students without an approved advisor starting 2nd academic year.

(5) Other matter not mentioned in the articles but is/are considered as violation by the chairman of IEM or your advisor.


YZU and IEM reserve the rights to modify any regulations when necessary, and all IEM students are required to abide all the regulations regardless of your year of study or graduating status.